Fandom Snowflake Days 14 & 15

Jan 16, 2013 17:09

In your own space, write a love letter to Fandom in general, to a particular fandom, to a trope, a relationship, a character, or to your flist/circle/followers. Share you love and squee as loud as you want to. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so

To LJ and my flist especially )

lj, snowflake challenge, internet adventures

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Comments 41

persiflage_1 January 16 2013, 19:03:52 UTC
I count myself very privileged to have you amongst my RL friends as well as my net friends. I cannot forget that one of your first comments to me was to express horror at the Three/Liz/Martha fic I wrote - because you'd failed to note the adult rating on it! :D



lost_spook January 16 2013, 19:47:07 UTC
Aww. ♥ Yes, and vice versa.

I cannot forget that one of your first comments to me was to express horror at the Three/Liz/Martha fic I wrote - because you'd failed to note the adult rating on it! :D

It took me a long time to learn that Doctor Who characters can get up to those sorts of thing. :lol: Oh dear, I'm sorry!

*hugs back*


persiflage_1 January 16 2013, 20:01:55 UTC
Heh, it's okay - I've quite forgiven you. I just can't forget it - I recall that initially I was irritated that you'd failed to take note of the rating on the fic (that being what they're there for, of course!) - but I soon forgave you!


lost_spook January 16 2013, 20:26:19 UTC
Thank goodness! It would be a terrifying thing to think you were still about to take some Aweful Revenge upon me after all this time (however deserved - I'm still terrible at failing to read headers and pushing doors marked PULL...) ;-)


pitry January 16 2013, 20:22:34 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I don't have anything particularly coherent to say, but it's so much fun to have you around! I am forever happy at the "er, you have an unfortunate typo" email I got from you :D *hugshugs*


lost_spook January 16 2013, 20:28:04 UTC
Aww. ♥ And you, and you!!

I am forever happy at the "er, you have an unfortunate typo" email I got from you

0_o So, basically I make friends by annoying people and criticising their fic... /o\ (I vaguely remember - was it when I was going to rec Dear Mike??? Or was that something else?)


pitry January 16 2013, 20:52:51 UTC
You did NOT annoy me! You performed an incredibly important service. It WAS a very embarrassing typo :D And yeah, it was when you were going to rec Dear Mike. ♥


taiyou_to_tsuki January 16 2013, 20:32:08 UTC
I think it's been quite hard for me to accept the lack of fandom activity on LJ these days, as well as moving over to DW, because... I've spent more than six years on this web site now and I'm only turning twenty in a couple of months. There are people here who have literally watched me grow up (which is terrifying, come to think of it, because I've definitely had my less-than-endearing moments of teenage angst...), and fandom has been a pretty essential part of that process.

And I have yet to find a satisfying alternative to LJ, really; Dw doesn't really seem much more active than LJ, because those who are active there also post here... and no other site seems to have the same possibility for communication. Perhaps the blogging lifestyle has simply upgraded? If so, that's a bit sad.

But yes, all my love for LiveJournal. It's impossible for me to imagine life without it. ♥


lost_spook January 17 2013, 18:05:38 UTC
Well, we'll have to see what happens - there's a huge transition going on as to how people access the net (via phones and other mobile devices) lately, but at some point maybe those'll develop again to allow more interaction, who knows?

And in the meantime, as long as there are still some of us here, we'll cling together and have fun for as long as that's possible. I think there are times people still come running back to LJ and Dreamwidth for the moment.

And, aw, growing up on the net! I have to admit, i'm rather relieved to be slightly too old to have any teenage fic to come back to haunt me - what I do have is terrible enough... ;-) But, hey, that's part of being a teenager anyway, isn't it?

Anyway, yes, for all its faults, I'm still very fond of LJ - it's the people here. ♥


taiyou_to_tsuki January 17 2013, 23:22:16 UTC
Yes, true; personally I don't really see the appeal of sites that are so limited in social interaction (Tumblr is like screaming in an empty room and plastering the walls with pictures - and I say this as someone who likes Tumblr) or where the social interaction is limited to short texts or... people you know irl. *Eyes Facebook warily*

And urgh, yes about being a teenager growing up online. But the good thing about growing up is realising that 1. no matter who you are, no matter what you did as a teenager, it was probably ridiculous and embarrassing and 2. that you're going to keep making mistakes and fucking shit up as an adult, so in the long run you have to remember the important things. Perspective is a wonderful thing.

Yup, lots of wonderful people and the means to have long and engaging conversations with them. :)


lost_spook January 18 2013, 17:57:21 UTC
Aw, good lessons to learn! ♥ Heh, each generation has its own troubles - some of us didn't have the internet and scribbled away in notebooks all on our lonesome ownsome and then others have the fact that said teen scribbles are published for all to see...

That is a pretty good description of Tumblr. I like it, too, but it's better suited to sharing graphics and quick quotes and jokes, so I only get people jumping ship for it if that's what they're mainly into. Still, each to their own, and I'm sure there'll be ways to be a fandom as long as there's an internet and the world doesn't end.


jjpor January 16 2013, 22:06:09 UTC
Aw, the same back at you. I can't claim to have been through as hard a time as you have these past couple of years (I've been surprisingly lucky, all things considered), but I know what you mean about feeling part of something and coming to know (to an extent) lots of special, talented people. And yes, there have been times when it felt like a lifeline, truly ( ... )


lost_spook January 17 2013, 18:08:43 UTC
♥ Yes. It's good to have an online place to escape to - and to have built up slowly into a friends list that really is a list of friends.

:lol: I don't know about glory days (I was always too shy, really) but it was fun.

Well, we're still clinging on to this sinking ship, and if it goes down, we're on Dreamwidth with a dinghy, so I think we'll be okay for a while longer yet.


jjpor January 19 2013, 19:25:55 UTC
Indeed, very much so.

Sshh, I want to think of them as glory days that I missed out on! For some mysterious personal reason, apparently. :D

Yes, I think so. As I was just saying in another comment, I think LJ's demise has been a bit exaggerated over the past couple of years - there's a bit of life in it yet.


lost_spook January 19 2013, 19:36:05 UTC
Sshh, I want to think of them as glory days that I missed out on! For some mysterious personal reason, apparently.

Okay, I was just lying. They were great and you should have been there. I could have totally messed up your planet and you could have done terrible things to my ongoing character; it would have been great. ;-p (Round robins were like that. I had to take DWM up on their offer on NAs so I didn't ever again think Irving Braxiatel was somebody's original character who happened to be a surgeon at a hospital.)

Glory days, yes. :lol: :lol:


singeaddams January 16 2013, 23:25:09 UTC
Awww, I'm new here but that letter made me all sniffly. I'll have to try Fandom Snowflake for myself, it looks like fun!


lost_spook January 17 2013, 18:10:24 UTC
Aww. Well, I widened it beyond my flist and you've certainly been around on calufrax and other comms, so you definitely count. Any Six fans gladden the heart! Heh. ♥

Fandom Snowflake's been good fun & they don't mind anyone joining in late, so that'd be nice - it'd be fun to see your entries. :-)


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