Fandom Stocking!

Jan 09, 2013 13:00

fandom_stocking went live yesterday, and I had so many nice things in my stocking! Thanks so much to everyone who left anything there for me. ♥ Anyone liking the sound of any of the following should go check it out. (Yes, I am displaying the contents of my stocking for you all...)

* I got TWO sets of David Collings gifs. Yes, really! \o/ I did ask, but I didn't think anyone would actually make me any. (I'll see about putting one or maybe two on the LJ version of this post, but I'm feeling a bit too lazy for Photobucket just now). They were made v kindly for me by
brooms and
liadtbunny. ♥ ♥ ♥

* A tiny-but-cute Lorne & Fred ficlet (Ats) from

* A Mary Dove/Inspector Neele drabble from
john_amend_all (Miss Marple, A Pocketful of Rye, and, um, yes, it's my fault. It's all to do with me wanting professional thief/detective and ITV casting Matthew Macfadyen and then sticking meticulously to the book, when the BBC 1980s version got the shippy vibe. Damn TV makers are so contrary.)

kaffyr wrote me a wonderful Sapphire and Steel fic Green, Red and Gold, and Blue Follows

ladymercury10 left me a very tempting-looking set of Doctor who recs

cosmic_llin wrote me a lovely Sarah & Harry ficlet. (Sometimes Harry is much more practical than the Doctor, after all.)

* A beautiful little set of Blake's 7 icons from

* An IOU for West Wing fic from

dbskyler gave me some vid links, and you should check them out but especially the adorable penguin one.

* Summer Afternoon Blues by
glinda, another AtS ficlet, this one about Lorne and the first time he heard music and it's just gorgeous and if anyone round here also knows Angel, do take a look.

* Seven-and-Ace fic by
clocketpatch, which is every bit as wonderful as you would suppose and I'm delighted.

* And last (but absolutely not least, since it contained infinity) - Unccountable Infinities from
eve11 and Eight and Charley ficlet, which answered my first first Straybunnies prompt for the two of them investigating something really surreal. And Eight and Charley! *joy*

*plus various good wishes and season greetings from kind folks. Oh! And intriguingly, a promise for some David Collings graphics at some point this week from

So that was pretty amazing and thanks again to everyone. I did manage to write and make some bits and bobs for other people, too. I (rather belatedly yesterday evening, sorry about that) put them in the AO3 collection as well, so I'll put up another post with the fics in sometime soon. (There were also a few graphics/icons and recs, but they were all pretty specific for the recipients.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:


angel, doctor who, fandom_stocking, recs, david collings, fannish scribbles, sapphire and steel, miss marple, blake's 7, big finish

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