Fandom Snowflake Day 5 (Help!)

Jan 05, 2013 10:01

Stretch yourself a little and try something new. Go play in a new fandom or with a new pairing. Try working in a new medium. Or consume different fanworks. Give that new fandom a go. Listen to a podfic or watch some vids if you haven’t before. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it.

And now I'm kind of stumped, because I do try out most fanworks, and often new fandoms (and there's been Yuletide lately, which I'm still poking around in and which is fab for that sort of thing) and I'm not averse to trying any pairings I think look at all interesting/fun. The only thing I don't do is listen to podfics, but there's a reason for that.*

So, help me out, if you will -

Please rec me something in a fandom I don't know that's non-spoilery. (Non-spoilery is so hard to be sure of when you're poking around looking for stuff yourself.) A fanvid would be perfect, or a very short and accessible fic would also be great. I'll either make another post or edit this one to review said recs a little. (Hopefully positively, but can't be guaranteed in advance! :lol:)

Oh, and if it's fic, I'm no good with explicit pr0n, I'm really not.

Thanks in advance! :-)

*Basically, I think podfics and podficcing are marvellous and there should be much more - I spent enough time in libraries having to think about ways to get things in as many different formats not to appreciate the importance of that. However I don't do audio books; I just can't and therefore not podfics either. Full cast audio plays are fine, but I just... can't listen to audio books, even when I can see there's been a temptingly perfect match-up of reader and book. Maybe one day. And I also have major embarrassment squick at the idea of having to listen to my recorded voice. *shudder*

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

help!, snowflake challenge

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