Fandom Snowflake Days 3 &4

Jan 04, 2013 13:09

(You will get 1 later today...)

Day Three asks you to interact with or friend someone new. I've asked someone to friend me, so that's done. Hopefully they won't run away. Day 4 is to post a fannish wishlist in your journal.

Well, even aside from that seeming greedy so soon after such a wonderful Yuletide, I have a
fandom_stocking hanging up here already, which is pretty much that. So there you go. My fannish wishlist.

(Besides, they say "no matter how unreasonable". I don't think they even begin to suspect how unreasonable my unreasonable would be after all my old TV watching of late, or how much David Collings it might involve, depending on my mood. Or that I'd want someone to write the ending or some Post-War fic for Enemy at the Door. So. Let's not go there. :lol:)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fandom_stocking, snowflake challenge

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