Title: Small Troubles
lost_spookRating: All ages
Word Count: 651
Characters/Pairings: Jet/Ruby/Silver (sort of)
Warnings None.
Summary: Jet, Ruby and Silver are in a tight situation and there’s only one thing left to do… (Pre-canon, 1950s)
(Prompt 26: ruby & silver & jet - Unresolved Sexual Tension & We're all going to die!)
Small Troubles )
Given how much you love TARDIS-centric stuff, I could imagine might like it - or certainly would enjoy the fanfic possibilities! If you did want to try any time, it is all up on YouTube, has been for a while. (aralias says starting with Three might be best, and I can see hwat she means entirely, but I find it hard to imagine watching such a tiny amount of canon out of order, especially since the only explanations we ever get are in A1. It is slow, though - mostly quite deliberately, but it is, Assignment 1 especially so.)
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