Fic: Interrupted (S&S Prompt ficlet)

Oct 26, 2012 19:50

I did say I was going to post more S&S ficlets I wrote earlier on... Monday. Well, here they are now, two of them, because this first one is far too frivolous and flimsy to stand by itself.

Title: Interrupted
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 359
Characters/Pairings: Jet, Silver (mild Jet/Silver)
Warnings None. Pre-canon, 1920s
Summary: Jet and Silver in the closet. For reasons.

(Prompt 59: jet & silver - Deus Ex Machina & Closeted. Probably not the way either cliché is intended, really.) And I think my casting for Jet was Josette Simon from the first time she was mentioned, so much so that I feel as if that’s semi-canon by now.


Silver ran his hand along the top shelf of the closet while Jet watched.

“Further to your right,” she said, leaning against the opposite wall of the narrow space. “It is there. I can feel it. It might as well be screaming at me.”

Silver turned his head. “It also seems to be… I don’t know… shrouded by something. As if the object is generating its own protective bubble of space.”

“From what I gather, it probably is.”

“But it is feeding off the electrical supply, so if I follow this along...”

The door to the closet was suddenly pushed open behind them, interrupting Silver. Jet reappeared next to Silver before the unwanted human had managed to poke his head around the door. By the time he had, she’d grabbed hold of Silver and set about kissing him.

“Oh,” said the human. “I say - I mean - beg pardon and all that.”

The door shut again.

“Jet,” said Silver, raising an eyebrow at her.

She removed herself with a satisfied smile. “What? You’re not going to complain, surely?”

“Never,” returned Silver. “Although your timing, Jet - I was about to disconnect the power source.”

Jet shrugged. “I’m tired of explanations. What else would a human think we were doing hiding in here at a party?” She looked over at him and noted the items that had fallen from the shelf and that he was now pressed underneath it at an awkward angle, and laughed at him. “Oh, very suave, Silver.”

“You took me by surprise,” he said, attempting a stern look and failing. “If not, well -” He beamed at her.

“I’m sure,” she said and leant back against the opposite wall again. “Come on, then. Let’s get this little god out of its box.”

“We don’t know what it is yet.”

“I do,” said Jet. “An idol, a small statue - something they’ve made into a holy object. And it shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t want to be here.”

Silver nodded. “Yes. I understand.” Then he raised an eyebrow at her and gave a mischievous, hopeful smile. “And if we’re interrupted again?”

“Then I promise I’ll be gentle with you, Silver…”


fannish scribbles, silver, jet (s&s), sapphire and steel, 100 element prompts, ficlet

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