Quick fic rec

Jun 24, 2012 19:55

You know when you join inactive LJ comms in sort of hopeless optimism? (Or is that just me and my love of obscure things, and/or my Pollyanna tendencies?) Anyway, sometimes it pays off, today being a case in point, for lo, there was actually a post on margo_devotees, and what's more it was brilliant fic:

In All Disorder A Secret Order by ozqueen (PG, 2315 words, Margo/Jerry, Tom, Barbara.)

I have no idea if any of you especially want to read The Good Life fic, but if you do, there really, really isn't much - and this - the voices are just perfect! Especially Margo. I have Penelope Keith in my head now. It's like a missing scene. (The traffic was appalling on London Bridge, Tom and Barbara have their spare room filled with vegetables, and Margo's leaving Jerry.) It was exactly what I needed to cheer me up this evening, although I didn't know it till I saw it.

And if you don't know what I'm on about, well, I am strange and obscure and British. You knew that. Ignore me.

fannish scribbles, good life, recs

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