Fic Updates & So On

Apr 07, 2009 20:27

1. I've been a bit quiet on the fic front, having been tired lately (and stories go too flat, so I had to leave them all waiting once I'd done the tardis_gen one). However, talking of tardis_gen, I notice that they've posted the first two stories - yay! - and nice pieces of work they are, too, If the rest are as good this is going to be an excellent ficathon.

2. I hadn't forgotten StarCrossed and it's now got a lot more links on it and looks at least a little less random. And then I thought of another, similar idea, but I'll let you in on that when I've actually put something sensible on it. (Yes, mad librarian trying to catalogue things again, I know.)

3. In the process of this I had an idea for an Angel crossover of my own. (I do rather love Angel). And then, today, when I finally was able to write again, what did I do? My 1851 story, the Hex/Martha one, said Angel crossover or the next Happy Ending? No, I decided to do a Polly/Brig bit for whoniverse1000; but it did what all my attempts for that cause do, and went long and gen. It's here, or will be when it gets okayed on Teaspoon. (It's called The Polly Effect. I went on a train today. I pretty much always end up with a fic idea after going on a train.)

Edit: And, and, and, someone just reviewed my Really Obscure piece of fanfic.  I stuck it on about three weeks ago, since it might as well sit there (in the British Comedy section, On The Up, not being counted as a show) and someone else who watched the show has just given it love.  *dances for joy* (Not that I didn't really appreciate your reading it, too bugiarda!!)

fannish scribbles, brigadier lethbridge-stewart, ficathon, writing, doctor who, polly wright, whoniverse1000

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