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scifi_mel May 10 2012, 10:18:45 UTC
That sounds brilliant! I do like German's kids books. I'm a big fan of Michael Ende and Otfried Preußler. My German isn't nearly as good as I'd like but I find if I have dual language I can usually get something out of the German. So will try and find a German and an English translation. The quotes sound lovely! And like something I could totally relate to :) *cough my house has piles of books EVERYWHERE*


lost_spook May 10 2012, 11:48:53 UTC
Oh, that would be interesting, if you could make a comparison. I don't know any other language well enough to read a book in it, so if you do I'd be interested to know if there are any major differences - or if either is better/worse written!


scifi_mel May 10 2012, 15:53:13 UTC
I really like the way German is written, particularly for kids books. They have so many great sounding spooky words. Though while I was looking for copies there was a German student who said the translation was very good so that's encouraging! I found copies in German on amazon (but not at our library- though they did have many english translations) so won't have to wait till I go back to Berlin to get a copy :)


lost_spook May 11 2012, 19:51:54 UTC
I always love the idea of being able to read in another language... but I can't, actually. Maybe French if I really worked at it.



scifi_mel May 12 2012, 08:06:39 UTC
It is lots of work! I'm really bad at languages. At first German was quite easy because there is so much similar with English but then the grammer got very difficult! But I would love to read it properly. But don't have time to study it at the moment.


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