100 Things I Like in 100 Icons (#005)

May 05, 2012 20:41

5. The Master / Roger Delgado (Doctor Who)

"In reminiscent mood, are you, Doctor? Poor Miss Grant, you have my deepest sympathies."

This is a very simple one. I love Roger Delgado as the Master. I have no rhyme or reason for it (although I know I'm far from alone!*) other than that he is quite, quite beautiful in his own way and the first Three-era story I saw was The Sea Devils, which sees him dressing in white, and claiming to be reformed, and watching The Clangers.** ("It seems to be a rather interesting extraterrestrial life-form.") Three himself never had a chance, no matter how many sandwiches he pilfered later on. My heart was irrevocably given to the villain (with a little room left over for the Brigadier). In fact, that bit in The Claws of Axos where the Brigadier and the Master wind up working together? If the Doctor had run away at that point and never come back, I wouldn't have minded. Well, not much. (And, his genuine dismay at what the Doctor has been doing to his TARDIS and the state it's in: "Overweight, underpowered museum-piece... might as well try to fly a second-hand gas stove." And on what the Brigadier might do if there's a nuclear explosion: "You could try the usual precautions... sticky tape on the windows, that sort of thing." ♥)

I confess I do actually also enjoy the other Masters and their brand of Rubbish Villainy (whereby pretty much any plan, no matter how terrible or petty really boils down to: how to get the Doctor's attention today. So, you know, I blame the Doctor. As someone once said, if he'd just let the Master win at chess a few times in their younger days...)

I was going to make this post Roger Delgado rather than the Master, but then realised that while I once saw an amazing picspam of him on LJ (possibly this one?), I have never actually seen him in anything other than DW. (Yet another reason for people to make 1960s TV moar available now!) I'm sad about how he died (and much, much too soon), but I can still gaze adoringly at him in pics and in DW.*** And, I mean, so he likes to kill people and destroy planets... that doesn't mean he's really evil, does it? (I'm a hopeless case.)

*Just searched LJ to see if I could find that picspam again. My. I'm really, really not alone... Even more than I realised. I had to go use Google images instead because of all the recent Delgado posts/comments.


*** Gaze adoringly = a thing I only ever do in relation to Roger Delgado. Like I said, no rhyme or reason.

icons, delgado master, 100 things meme, doctor who, roger delgado

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