Some random fannish things

Jan 03, 2012 14:02

A bundle of odd recs (mostly not fics, because we all need a lie down first after Yuletide. Probably. I do actually have some Yuletide recs, but now the reveal has happened, there's not exactly any rush). Hopefully, some things with which to temporarily beat the January blues!

1. So there is a use for the animated LOTR after all. Or a link where you can find some hilarious LOTR icons from the animated film. Just a warning, as some of the text is fairly crude in places, but overall worth a look for the LOLs, even if you don't want to snag them all. (Strangely, they satisfied my Tolkien icon deficiency suitably. And the one I've used here I feel obscurely sums up my somewhat surprising new approach to fanfic, even though I prefer to think of it as Let's all have mind!sex with Silver, but anyway... :-p)


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Eleven & Amy to the Tangled trailer. I am in awe. And helpless giggles. It's perfect and hilarious.

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Tribute to the Doctor. It's brilliant! (It's been up a while and has many hits, but I don't recall seeing anyone link to it on my flist, so just in case you haven't yet seen it...)

3. A couple more sober ones now: For Those In Peril On the Sea by lilypeters
I've been lurking about an original fic-writing comm called runaway_tales for ages now (mostly because their prompt tables are amazing), but picked up on this series. I have no idea what's going on mostly, but these ficlets are snippets of fic (from someone's novel in progress, I think) set before, during and after WWI, and each one I've read so far is utterly gorgeous and comprehensible as a thing in itself. (So, it's fic. But only tiny fic. You can read one at a time.)

4. justice_turtle has been having a Shakespeare discussion lately. That reminded me of this fanvid I stumbled over during the hols - a multi-Shakespeare vid that's pretty cool. (Warning: they're all tragedies, so blood, spoilers, tears, death etc.)

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In Our Stars - by Lothriel (Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Richard III, Othello & Titus)

Also, random is random: whilst away, I found this scholarly article on fanfic that, um, includes mention of my story (and yes, wait for it, which of my stories does it use to make its serious point - in amongst words like ludoistic and things?) Five Times Sarah Lied to the Doctor About Harry. *collapses into giggles* This was a quite hastily written fic done from a prompt-I-would-never-write from akashasheiress.

I quote:
Vvj5's "Five Times Sarah Lied to the Doctor about Harry" (2010), for example, illustrates how companions can be centralized and provided a romantic tension that was entirely lacking in their presentation within the original textual world. Perhaps for fan writers such as Vvj5 the best way to embrace the classic Doctor Who with a romantic plotline is to bypass the nonsexualized main character altogether and focus on less defined characters whose sexuality has not been categorically wiped clean from the textual world in advance. The very notion intimated in this title, that romantic interest would have to be clandestinely kept from the Doctor, is a powerful hint that such themes were subversive within this version of the textual universe.

Whereas in fact, it was entirely written as joke, and I will quite happily ship the Doctor. When I feel like it &, admittedly, people might not notice as my shippy fic is always getting classified as gen by people. Ah, well, can't spoil an academic's fun, can you?

It does, though, have some praise for Teaspoon as an archive, which is nice. (Oh, and john_elliott, it also mentions 'Samantha's Turn'. None of the rest of you seem to be as privileged. You probably shipped the Doctor or disproved a point. ;-D)

fannish scribbles, fanvids, icons, doctor who, recs, lord of the rings

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