I keep getting distracted!

Oct 21, 2011 17:31

I'll catch up with the my flist presently. Meanwhile, I keep getting distracted by, appointments, things I'm supposed to be doing, things I'm not supposed to be doing, Middle Earth generally (there was in-character Faramir!!) and also random LJ discussions that happen and suddenly there's this:


Yes, there is now an LJ comm for The House of Eliott that I am accidentally half responsible for. I'm going to pimp it where I can presently, but I know there are a couple of people on my flist who also have at least a passing interest. The theory is, if we all gang up together, by sheer mass we will induce Bea/Jack fic into existence. Or something. Possibly there may also be discussions, graphics and the usual LJ shenanigans.

Currently up to start us off is a discussion post on that controversial ending of S3!

Please join if you wish, and pass on the info to any person or comm who might be interested & we'll gather all HoE fans lurking about there into one merry fold.

If you don't know HoE but might be on board for stuff about 1920s fashion houses or Stella Gonet and Louise Lombard, then you're welcome, too.

Also, on a separate note - fic_rush is this weekend! (Now where did I put my ninja penguins and my pen and notepad?)

house of eliott, fic rush

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