NaArMaMo - Day 25: More Icons by Request (um, surprise?)

Aug 25, 2011 13:11

For cersia5 who asked for Snape and for Avon + snark. (Sorry, I didn't manage any Lefroy/Jane.) I also did Rimmer, just because there is apparently some logic in my brain that moves from Snape and Avon to Arnold Rimmer.

I had to steal Snape from Google images. *whistles* (It's Vila's fault I am turning into an image thief. Obviously.)

Avon + snarky quote. I panicked here and eventually wildly opted for 'something that would fit on an icon'. (Avon has to be the snarkiest TV character in history, so there was too much to choose from.) Hope these are okay, and I did a couple textless ones to make up for my not the best choices:

And bonus Rimmer icons. Not requested by anyone.

Credits: texture by age_by_jocosity.

kerr avon, harry potter, red dwarf, icons, arnold rimmer, icon requests, chris barrie, blake's 7, paul darrow, severus snape, naarmamo

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