"It all makes perfect sense now. I was a cheerleader, a princess and a warrior..."

Jul 16, 2011 13:17

Aha, another awesome female. Well, I think she is. I know some people on my flist can't stand her, but this is my list and she's quite high up on it. (Not that there really is a ranking before you ask, except that No. 1 is a certain person I haven't done yet. It won't take a genius to work out which female character I might mean.)

Day 21: Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter)

Angel: I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - that, some day, I might become human. That light was so bright, I thought I was already out.
Cordelia Chase: Yeah. We all got a little cocky, didn't we? It's gonna be a long while till you work your way out. But I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with you until you do.
Angel: What about your inevitable stardom?
Cordelia Chase: I'm not saying I won't have a day job.

I should say here that I met Cordy properly in Angel rather than Buffy, which maybe makes a difference, because it's there that she grows up, gets to be as awesome in a way we never knew she could be - and, despite the visions and all the rest of it, a way that has nothing to do with supernatural powers and everything to do with her own personality. She may begin by using that to try and be prom queen, but she'll end by saving the world in her own way even if it costs her everything.

Cordy's down and out at the start of Angel, and she admits that she deserves it for "all those times I was mean in high school, just because I could." But she's not the sort to sit there alphabetising her sins and brooding and once the visions open her up to the reality of everybody else's pain, then she takes action, even if she might still want paying for it from time to time. Cordy's pragmatic; she doesn't lose sight of that goal and she's always the one to remind Angel of the 'mission'. Never mind Angel/Cordy, he needed her around to remember who he was. (So I'm not bitter about stuff, no no. *cough*) And she was awesome, choosing over and over to take the hard way over the easy way, to do the right thing no matter what it cost. For a character who began as the shallow bitch queen of Sunnydale, that's very awesome indeed. (And why I like Angel with its themes of redemption, and picking yourself back up again even when you've been stupid/wrong/evil and still choosing to try.) Just, you know, there's not much good anyone can say about her absence (even when she's technically there, just not-Cordy) in S4.

Cordelia: Remember how I said, "Lets not have your department looking for those symbols I saw in my vision. Let's do this like we used to - you and me, crackin' the books"?
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: Yes.
Cordelia: Well, that was dumb. What'd you ever listen to me for?

Cordelia: [to Eve] Get out of that chair, and I will feed you those Manolo Blahniks - which are stunning, by the way.

Cordelia: [to Spike] Heard you weren't evil anymore, which kinda makes the hair silly.

Cordelia: That's everything? It all makes perfect sense now. I was a cheerleader, a princess and a warrior. And I have visions and super powers and I'm the target of an evil law firm because I've spent the last three months living on a higher plane, fighting for the forces of good, who wage a battle against demons and evilies and squishy bug babies, 'cause all that stuff's real and that's the world I live in. And-and I think I know why I don't remember any of this 'cause, hey, who'd want to!

Cordelia: Boy, I really do fall for dumb ones. You know how you're always trying to save, oh, every single person in the world? Did it ever occur to you: you are one of them?
Angel: No, it never did.
Cordelia: Well, you made the list, gorgeous. And you needed some help.

Angel: You know, I've been around a long time...
Cordelia Chase: Which reminds me, next birthday, you think we could skip the two hundred and fifty odd candles on the cake and the inevitable fire marshall and just go with a little song?
Angel: ... And I've never known anyone like you.
Cordelia Chase: Well, duh.

Fury #1, Fury #2, Fury #3: Mmmm, Angel!
Cordelia Chase: And here we have three more of Angel's chippies. You girls are on the pill, I hope.

Cordelia Chase: What if, every time you identified a demon in one of your big old books we gave you ten bucks... or a chicken pot pie?
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: Wait, I have another idea. No! Get a vision.
Cordelia Chase: Well it's not like you can hit me in the head and "wham!" it happens.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: What if we test that theory with one of my big old books?

Cordelia: I understand people who drink too much. I understand people who put a little note on the parking meter that says it's broken when it's not. I don't understand people who worship demons.

Cordelia: So, um, are you still... 'Grrr'?
Angel: Yeah. There's not actually a cure for that.

Cordelia: Okay, am I wrong in thinking that a "please" and "thank you" is generally considered good form when requesting a dismemberment?

Cordelia: Yeah. ... But all of a sudden "rich and handsome" isn't good enough for me. Now I expect a guy to be all brave and interesting. And it's your fault. Both of you.
Angel: Well, maybe not. Maybe you're changing. That could be a good thing.

Doyle: I'll finally be free to go out and make me own mark in the world.
Cordelia: We had a cat that used to do that. Oh, God! What am I gonna do? I'm good for exactly two things: international superstardom, and helping a vampire with a soul to rid the world of evil. That makes for a short but colorful résumé.

Cordelia: My glamorous L.A. life-I get to make the coffee and chain the boss to the bed! I gotta join a union.

Cordelia: I'm so glad you came. You know how parties are. You're always worried that no one's going to suck the energy out of the room like a giant black hole of boring despair. But there you were in the clinch!
Angel: I didn't... Boring?

Cordelia: I can't get this bandage to - stop moving!
Angel: I'm not.
Cordelia: Well, then stop breathing.
Angel: I don't breathe.
Cordelia: Then stop flexing your manly boob-muscles or whatever.

Cordelia: [spins in Angel's chair] Hey, look at me, I'm Angel!
Wesley: He doesn't generally spin that much.
Cordelia: Right. This is Angel.
Cordelia [as Angel]: Oh, no, I can't do anything fun tonight. I have to count my past sins, then alphabetize them. Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of snapping on Friday.

Angel: Come on, guys! We're a detective agency. We investigate things! That's what we're good at!
Cordelia: That's what we suck at. Let's face it - unless there's a website called www.Oh-By-the-way-we-have-Darla-stashed-here.com, we're pretty much out of luck.

Cordelia: [About Darla] I'm sorry, but after 400 hundred years of death and destruction, seems to me, you get voted off the island. Am I right?

Wesley: (about Angel making out with someone on his desk) This isn't like him.
Cordelia: What? This is totally like him. Doing the mystery dance with some cheap blonde?
Fred: Brunette. She was a cheap brunette.
Cordelia: You're right. This isn't like him.

Cordelia: (to Billy) Actually, I'm feeling superior because I have an arrow aimed at your jugular. And the irony of using a phallic shaped weapon? Not lost on me.

Cordelia: You want I should distract him? Make with the nice-nice while you slip by?
Angel: Don't be stupid. I'm that guy and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen is making eyes at me? It's either a bachelor party or a scam.
Cordelia: What did you just call me?
Angel: I'm sorry. You're not stupid.

Wesley: Why can't you have sex?
Cordelia: Because I could lose my visionity.

Gunn: Couple weeks ago, he was wearin' diapers. Now he's a teenager?
Cordelia: Tell me we don't live in a soap opera.

Angel: I found Holtz.
Cordelia: And?
Angel: I didn't kill him.
Cordelia: Maybe you're growing as a person.


Fanvid: Extraordinary by lightsallfading

image Click to view

(Covers Cordy from start to finish, but I don't think it's particularly spoilery out of context.)

30 days of Awesome TV Female Characters:
Day One: Soolin (B7)
Day Two: Dayna Mellanby (B7)
Day Three: Michelle of the Resistance (Allo Allo)
Day Four: Beatrice Eliott (House of Eliott)
Day Five: Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST:V)
Day Six: Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek)
Day Seven: Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Eight: Ros Myers (Spooks)
Day Nine: Servalan (B7)
Day Ten: Anna Thornton-Wilson (Hotel Babylon)
Day Eleven: Winifred Burkle (Angel)
Day Twelve: Isobel Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Thirteen: Rani Chandra (SJA)
Day Fourteen: Donna Moss (WW)
Day Fifteen: Lynda Day (Press Gang)
Day Sixteen: Cally (B7)
Day Seventeen: Laura Lancing (Brittas Empire)
Day Eighteen: Diana (Dungeons & Dragons)
Day Nineteen: Sandra Pullman (New Tricks)
Day Twenty: Annie Cartwright (Life on Mars)

angel, 30 days of awesome women, quotes, buffy the vampire slayer, cordelia chase, meme

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