"So he survived an unspeakable hell dimension. Who hasn't?"

Feb 16, 2011 16:49

Back to the meme-wagon - another day, another awesome female TV character:

Day Eleven: Winifred Burkle (Amy Acker)

"I am not the damsel in distress, I am not some case... I am better than that!"

Fred survives five years in a cave in a demon dimension going slowly crazy and manages to find a way back to sanity and also fight monsters with Angel Investigations. She's a quirky, physics genius with a tendency to stray towards 'mad inventor' when the mood takes her. She never gives up, even when more than once she finds herself up against almost literally the whole world. She even has awesome parents (she's probably the only Buffyverse character with two great parents...) Stranded in a demon dimension, she still tries to rescue Cordelia; and the next time the world and Fred disagree, Fred proves the world wrong. Unlike quite a few of the Buffyverse characters, she's anything but a superhero, but she still manages to overcome her own demons, and that's a big part of what makes her so awesome.

Fred: I never understood that saying-right as rain. How is rain right? Or wrong for that matter? Okay, I suppose if there's a flood it's wrong, and speaking of floods, or just being overwhelmed, what's it like to have a vision?
Cordelia: Wow. Y'know, next to you, I am downright linear.

FanvidFred tributes. Most were angsty and spoilery, but some very good ones, this being my favourite (and, yes, angsty and spoilery): "Not Like Other Girls"

image Click to view

(However, I found a non-spoilery quirky-Fred fanvid HERE (Slightly annoying song, but lots of Fred being properly Fred-like).

If you've never met Fred, can I introduce you to a great AU Doctor Who fic in which Ten rather than Angel finds Fred in her cave and takes her on as a companion - no spoilers, just a sweet Fred POV story: 1+1=Tacos by MaraJaded


Plus, bit of a quote-fest (it's hard to stop quoting Buffy or Angel once you start):

Fred: Who's Darla?
Gunn: Angel's old flame, from way back.
Fred: Not the one who died?
Gunn: Yeah. No, not that one, the other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
Fred: Do y'all have a chart or somethin'?


Fred: You freaks make one move and I'll slice the miracle kid into triplets.
Cordelia: It's always the quiet ones.


Gunn: I wanna know how he does it. No last name, no bank account. How are you ordering stuff off the web?
Fred: It's not that hard, really. All you have to do is hack into the shipping database, find someone who is ordering what you want, then substitute your information. Except that would just be high-tech robbery.
Angel: I memorized Cordelia's credit card numbers.
Fred: Oh. Low-tech robbery.


Wesley: I'm still stuck back at, "Why on earth are we here?"
Fred: What, because we're crusaders against evil and now the law firm that represents most of the evil in the world has given us its LA branch to run however we want, probably in an attempt to corrupt, divide, or destroy us, and we all said yes in, like, 3 minutes?
Wesley: Your run-on sentences have gotten a lot less pointless
Fred: Oh, that's so sweet. And a tad condescending.


Lorne: You're an aging sexpot celebrating a decade of turning twenty-nine. You got two little rugrats who aren't that little, a husband who thinks the extras trailer's a buffet table and gravity ain't doing you any favors. So "Happy Birthday, sexy mama" or ...Fred! Fred, sweetie, you're sort of like a woman.
Fred: That's not a compliment.
Lorne: Well, more so than El Cid here. I need some insight. You're an aging...
Fred: I heard. Don't mention her birthday, don't send a card, send a big bunch of flowers just because she's special and pefect and eternally bladi bla.
Lorne: Staring me right in the face. Genius
Fred: And I'm a lot like a woman.
Lorne: You're all woman. You're every woman. You're Wonder Woman!
Fred: Damn straight.

30 days of Awesome TV Female Characters:
Day One: Soolin (B7)
Day Two: Dayna Mellanby (B7)
Day Three: Michelle of the Resistance (Allo Allo)
Day Four: Beatrice Eliott (House of Eliott)
Day Five: Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST:V)
Day Six: Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek)
Day Seven: Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Eight: Ros Myers (Spooks)
Day Nine: Servalan (B7)
Day Ten: Anna Thornton-Wilson (Hotel Babylon)

angel, 30 days of awesome women, buffy the vampire slayer, meme

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