"I don’t want to die. There are books I want to read and I still hate my kitchen."

Feb 02, 2011 19:34

Since this is my meme, and I can post as many or as few entries for it in a day as I wish, here is the other character that I didn't like to begin with. In fact, I might go so far as to say that I hated her. Maybe even now like is not the word, but 'awesome' certainly is. It's Spooks's Ros Myers and she really doesn't care what you think of her...

Day Eight: Ros Myers (Hermione Norris)

"Lovers leave, friends annoy us and families mess with your head."

Ros is the most competent agent we've seen MI5 have. Which is strange, as she started off as a traitor from MI6, but evidently this is what it takes not to fall apart while working in Section D. (All her male counterparts have so far fallen apart under the pressure, one way or another.) Anyone who messes with Ros is most likely crazy or soon-to-be-dead, or both. She doesn't care what anybody thinks of her; she does her job and does it well. She's not superhuman, though, and we see other sides of her at times: knowing that she and Adam are broken, whatever she might want, mentoring Jo (and acknowledging it's harder for the two of them) and joking with Lucas or Zaf. What's more, she can use a fork as an offensive weapon; 2 out of 3 Home Secretaries prefer her to any other secret agent, and she is great at getting rid of unwanted treacherous girlfriends. Plus, she could snark for Britain if she chose.

Ros to Zaf, on their colleagues, starting with Jo: "Death by mascara. It was horrible to watch. Ruth's agonizing over the fact that there are no more horses in modern-day warfare and Adam's on a course learning how to lift his knuckles off the ground. So, you'll have to make do with me, I'm afraid."

(And, wow, I didn't think I could write about Ros in Spooks without spoilers everywhere.)

The obligatory Ros-is-awesome fanvid. (Again, don't think there are any real spoilers, not out of context):

image Click to view

Day One: Soolin (B7)
Day Two: Dayna Mellanby (B7)
Day Three: Michelle of the Resistance (Allo Allo)
Day Four: Beatrice Eliott (House of Eliott)
Day Five: Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST:V)
Day Six: Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek)
Day Seven: Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)

spooks, 30 days of awesome women, ros myers, meme

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