Oh, and the NYR Discworld fic I was so not going to write...

Jan 24, 2011 14:35

(Using AO3's handy 'share' function for the first time...)

Thanks very much to persiflage_1 and pitry for the helpful beta and also to daibhid_c who glanced over it to check I hadn't unintentionally messed up Discworld politics. (It feels odd being able to say straight away I wrote a Yuletide fic...)

Truth & Compromise (4404 words) by
Fandom: Discworld - Terry Pratchett
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: William de Worde/Sacharissa Cripslock
Characters: William de Worde, Sacharissa Cripslock, Samuel Vimes, Otto von Chriek
William’s concerned with the Watch’s latest prisoner, Sacharissa is more worried about a wedding, and, oddly enough, so is Commander Vimes…

(Wow, that is a handy function...)

otto von chriek, writing, sacharissa cripslock, samuel vimes, william de worde, discworld

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