When Robin Hood was really a yuppie tailor from Kensington (rec post)

Nov 16, 2010 17:57

I've been collecting links again, so time to share, this time for something even more obscure than the last: Maid Marian and Her Merry Men.

But don't run away: this fic I recommend to anyone with a passing knowledge of Robin Hood, and a sense of humour. Seriously. It's got a great style &, as long as you get that Marian does all the work and Robin prefers to look good and design the outfits, you can just read & enjoy the crack - this is huge fun:

Woo the Day by alyse.
(5780 words; All ages - in which Robin wakes up to the fact that Marian is a Girl. Obviously, it doesn't go well. Warnings: complete lack of historical realism?)

If you need to know: MM was a CBBC show was written by Tony Robinson (aka Baldrick from Blackadder) & he was also the Sherriff, while Danny John-Jules (Cat from Red Dwarf) was Barrington (this Sherwood's Will Scarlett). And there was mud. And crazy songs. (Have the End Titles, just to complete the illusion that this fic was an actual ep).

Actually, I was tempted to praise this fic as being almost Pratchett-esque, and then thought that the show itself actually was, in a good way (a children's TV show that deals with perception - everyone knows that Marian does all the outlaw work, but she can't because she's a Girl. Everyone knows that Robin is a cowardly tailor from Kensington (but he tries), but he looks like a hero, so he can become a Legend. At least, that's how I remember the rough plot of the first ep at a distance of a scary no. of years. Correct me if I'm wrong. Plus, the Sheriff has dim guards called Gary and Graeme).

Anyway, if anyone wants it, a YouTube nostalgia-fest lies beneath the cut.
(No spoilers anywhere here, btw, in clips or fic - don't think there is such a thing for this show).

It's been a long time since I've watched any of this, but here's some fanvids and clips. (It was fun finding them - I'd completely forgotten so much of this.)

image Click to view

As the vidders blurb says: Can Marian make a man out of Robin?
Its tough being a leader in Sherwood Forest, especially when your Merry Men consist of an angry dwarf called Little Ron, a dolt called Rabies and a Rastafarian called Barrington. Thats not forgetting of course the notorious outlaw, Robin Hood, who in reality is a yuppie tailor from Kensington and a complete wimp. "No-one ever said fighting injustice'd be easy. They've got the power, they've got the weapons, and all we've got is a Rasta, a wally, and a bearded avacado." ... On the other hand, the Sherrif's got Gary and Graeme. It's a great match & a fun vid.

Robin Fanvid:

image Click to view

(This is great, excellent matching clips. I had seriously forgotten so much. Just one note: it is rather pixelated, unusual for a vid of this quality.)

My search for one quick clip as an intro reduced me to this (I know), but the clip from the BAFTA ceremony here - the actual clip is at 1.29 (v. short). (And, what? - a mud-filled comedy beat Woof, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The BFG? That takes some doing. I had no idea.)

Now have three longer clips - 2 of the songs (mostly performed by Danny John-Jules), and an unexpected Crystal Maze parody:
Who You Gonna Call? - the Dentist ("What you really need here is a band of sharp-shooting devil-may-care band of guerrilla fighters..." / "Where am I going to find one of those?")
Don't Worry About the Pain (You can always find another head in the Yellow Pages...)
Gary and Graeme risk a Crystal Maze Parody ("That was sneaky!" / "What do you expect? He's a politician!")

Plus, Tony Robinson outtake:

image Click to view

Apologies for any time-stealing (or time-travel) that may have inadvertantly caused. It's all the fic's fault - I found it on AO3 Sunday afternoon, and couldn't stop searching for stuff on YouTube. (It's nice those times when you find childhood memory doesn't cheat too much.)

(Sorry about the deja vu if anyone saw this post's brief appearance on Sunday. I needed to edit.)

maid marian and her merry men, fanvids, children's tv, tony robinson, recs

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