I couldn't let that pass without comment...

Oct 26, 2010 20:48

Yes, yesterday's TV made me do a reaction post (you know, those things I don't do because of people shaking their heads at me for foolishly enjoying things.)

And I don't mean SJA, which I forgot about, and forgot to be excited about, because SPOILERS for months and months. No, Spooks 9.06 which is another matter entirely:

Spooks SPOILERS under here! )

spooks, downton abbey

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Comments 18

persiflage_1 October 26 2010, 19:58:15 UTC
I damn near bounced out of my chair when I saw Malcolm!! My face was gleeful!!

And Dmitri calling Ruth "Evershed" made me laugh.

Lucas' manpain is beyond bearing - I almost want him to die!

Downton Abbey - I squeed loudly at Anna's confession to Bates!

And yes, I'm watching the DA comm - although I already knew about the renewal before it got posted on the comm 'cos I get ITV Press Releases (same as I get BBC ones).


lost_spook October 26 2010, 20:08:55 UTC
MALCOLM!! I mean, I don't know why he's so brilliant, but he just is. And he could see Lucas was being all fake. (Lucas, I expected better of you... you must have caught it from that CIA lady.)

Lucas' manpain is beyond bearing - I almost want him to die!

Well, it is Spooks - the odds are pretty good on that one... :lol:

Heh, I thought of you when Anna told Bates how she felt. I assumed you would be squeeing indeed. And the trailer, hmmm...

Ah, I wasn't sure, because of our WWI query, and that post answering the q for us. But then, it was probably posted after. I'm a little behind with everything and only now catching up.


persiflage_1 October 27 2010, 05:19:10 UTC
Because he's Malcolm! What other reason does he need to be brilliant?

Lucas really did fail pretty badly, didn't he?!

True, the odds are good. Will I feel guilty when it happens, though?

The trailer made me flail so much I almost fell off my chair!

Yes, the info about WW1 being in S2 came after the news of S2 being in the pipeline...


john_amend_all October 26 2010, 20:23:45 UTC
I felt oddly apprehensive watching the first couple of episodes of Downton Abbey. Probably caused by overdosing on genre fiction, but I was half-expecting someone like the Doctor or Inspector Goole to show up and bring the whole delicately-arranged social hierarchy crashing down in jagged fragments. It hasn't happened yet, but then there's the Great War on the horizon...

You should definitely catch up with SJA, particularly all the references to past companions in the most recent episode. Three (well, two and a half) ships plus a side order of fix-fic for some of the grimmer books.


lost_spook October 27 2010, 18:44:55 UTC
Oh, yes, I mean to catch SJA sometime soon. When I can turn off the DVD player and stop watching TWW, but soon... :-)


zulu_ottawa October 26 2010, 23:52:01 UTC
Good lord, Lucas, either smarten the hell up or DIE already. I do want the showdown with Harry, though.

MALCOLM. I - forget Lucas being a bastard, I couldn't stop smiling after Malcolm appeared. Hiding super-secret MI5 files in the garden! <3

Yay, lockdown. And Ruth being called 'Evershed'. :D. Dimitri can stay forever (or until a bomb/his self-sacrificing streak kills him.)


lost_spook October 27 2010, 18:47:10 UTC
I'm willing to believe that whatever happens next is going to be cool, despite Lucas's current lack of sanity or sense. I may be wrong, but I am all excited and hopeful. (Thank you, Spooks).

Malcolm is just as great as ever, and I hope a) he doesn't get killed off, and b) he makes a few more return appearances, because MI5 needs their Q.

Yes, Dmitri's new-found love of Things That Blow Up is mildly worrying. (Dmitri, don't you know how short your life expectancy is anyway??)



zulu_ottawa October 27 2010, 23:21:53 UTC
I'm so EXCITED. Epic showdown will be epic.

Malcolm! I adore him. I agree, he'd better not die (it's as bad as if Harry dies, or Ruth. They're my solid constant team!).

Yes, I am rather worried by Dimitri and his sudden love of bombs. (IDK if he does realise, yet - it might take Lucas someone dying for it to actually sink in.)


lost_spook October 28 2010, 18:26:34 UTC

No killing of Ruth, Harry or Malcolm is allowed. Definitely.


paranoidangel42 October 27 2010, 05:49:31 UTC
I hate the stuff with Lucas and Maya for the same reasons. I just can't see him still feeling that way about her and her just forgiving him just like that. Ever since the second week I've been wondering why he doesn't just go to Harry - I can't imagine anything Lucas has done has been so bad Harry wouldn't help him.

But based on the trailer I'm looking forward to next week's. And I was very excited to see Malcolm again, that was so unexpected.


lost_spook October 27 2010, 18:49:24 UTC
I can kind of buy Vaughn knowing exactly how to play Lucas, maybe even involving Maya, but when you look at her role here, it's pretty much the primary school "x stole my best friend" thing, and really, people should have realised by now that x has to go themselves... Or something. If they had to do it like that, they needed to really sell it to us, and they haven't, as if First Love is all we need as an explanation. Mind, it is Spooks. There could be some incredible twist around the corner... :loL:

The trailer did look cool and Malcolm!! I was so pleased to see him!!


paranoidangel42 October 28 2010, 17:52:30 UTC
I kept expecting some kind of twist too, but I suppose there are still two episodes to go. I just really want them to explain what the deal is with Lucas being called John and what he's not telling Harry.


emerald_happy October 27 2010, 16:55:54 UTC
DUDE, i was waiting for this post. TV is just so FTW at the moment. I utterly loved Monday's Spooks. I loved that there was continuity what with Dimitri practising with bombs and blowing open the grid to get out. <3 Dimitri - he is so adorable. And Tariq being all smart and Malcolm totally a few steps ahead of Lucas.

I think Dimitri calling Ruth "Evershed" was the best moment EVER in S9

Also yeah Downton=awesome. I read the RT about when the next ep is apparently set. I hope Matthew doesn't die in WW1. He's just too nice. I hope Mary gets nicer because otherwise she doesn't deserve him.

Also yay for Anna/Bates! I kinda called a ship for once *usually oblivious*


lost_spook October 27 2010, 18:51:14 UTC
Yes, it's great where there's good TV on. I do hope Malcolm meets Tariq next week. (Am still missing Malcolm-Colin stuffs...)

Aw, I am getting to really like Mary now - she's too strong a character for the role she's been assigned. WWI will bring out her courage no end. That's a bet.

I know, Anna/Bates. It's an actual TV ship, not just a fannish fancy. :-)


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