West Wing Icons

Oct 16, 2010 13:12

Not what I was supposed to be doing, but then I thought it would be fun to have a Ainsley Can-I-have-a-muffin icon. 54 other icons later, I did remember to do that...


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josh/donna, sam/ainsley, quotes, josh lyman, ainsley hayes, sam seaborn, icons, donna moss, west wing

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lost_spook October 18 2010, 16:42:27 UTC
Ha! I'm very much looking forward to the spy bits. THERE HAS TO BE A SPOOKS CROSSOVER. HAS TO BE.

Oh, I know. I started working one out the first time I was ill and in between my watching marathon I carried on where I left off, but I'm not sure where you start with combining two such sets of awesome.

[Feverish plotting results: Presidential visit to the UK - he can take Toby, Josh and Sam on these things; I think CJ sometimes goes, too, so that is okay. I sort of went 'aha' during my S2 or S3 watching when they came back from a foreign visit...) However, they find that there is a leak in the CIA and therefore they need more input from MI5 to find the traitor (very reluctantly and with much snarkage on both sides), cos they don't know who it is, and the Presidential entourage is diverted to an unplanned location (ostensibly under a request from the President, who is briefed by dodgy CIA chief and Harry about this). I am forgetting my details here, but they think Josh and Sam (and/or Toby also) may have useful information (they really don't) and interview them, and I have forgotten the how and why now, but Sam puts his foot in it (prbably in some unwisely patriotic remark, you know how that goes), and gets trouble from various of the Spooks team, and Josh gets a phone call from Donna who has a thing she thinks isn't worth informing anyone else, but turns out to be important and so we have a Donna-Harry telephone conversation that solves the mystery. There was a thing with the President and the Times crossword, but I forget. Um. This is why you should never write out illness-induced synposes, isn't it? It sounds dreadful!!! I can do (possibly) a plot and think of incidents/exchanges, but I fail at the idea of starting to write it, so I think discussion etc is in order. I need to sort out the timelines of both shows. Spooks, mind, is so bizarre by now, that as long as the WW is post the start of S3 (which opens with an acknowledgment of 9/11), it'll all work out. We may need to campaign on spooky_doings or something.]

*sends sticky plaster for broken heart*


belantana October 19 2010, 13:32:21 UTC

What are you talking about! This is a totally workable plot! I would love to have Thinky Thoughts to add to it but I've just watched 9.05 so I have my canons completely confused, and not saying more in case you haven't seen it, but you'll have seen the trailer for it anyway, so let me just say that the image I got in my head whenever someone mentioned the President wasn't in any way Obama.

!!!!! So excited. Especially about Donna having the answer after all! Write it, write it, write it!


lost_spook October 21 2010, 19:19:25 UTC
Aw, thanks. Unfortunately, I only believe I can write this (and have any clue about the finer details) when I have a temperature, apparently. :lol: In the real world, as I said, I lose my nerve at the thought of writing both of these. It's on my list of fics to write when I get six weeks off at once some day. (I don't know when that happens ever unless you get made redundant or are a teacher, though.)

I am all behind on Spooks, although I have managed now to watch 9.04 (being as I had a temperature and was not fit to be watching shows like that at 9pm on an evening at the time.) I need to catch up with 9.05 and then I can speak to you about Spooks again. :-)


belantana October 24 2010, 10:07:42 UTC

Okay, so, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your warning about cliffhangers. I got up to the end of series 1 the other day but then I remembered your advice, and I waited until I had series 2 actually in my hands before I watched the finale. And ARGH! I would have probably died if I'd had to wait longer than the ten seconds it took me to change the dvd, and as it was I nearly died during 2.01 with all its ridiculous flashbacks holding out on telling me if Josh was going to live, ARGH JOSH NO. ARGH.

*takes deep breath*

So now I'm well into series 2 and have calmed down a bit, and also I have met Ainsley, who is great. And I will definitely make sure to have series 3 in my hands before watching the series 2 finale!

Also I did some stumbling around for fic recs and the very first thing I came across was this with zombies, omg. You will love it!


lost_spook October 24 2010, 11:42:56 UTC
:lol: Well, I remembered how it felt when I watched S1, finishing about this time last year and had to put S2 on my Christmas list, and then wait till I got back home to watch what happened next...

Glad you're still enjoying it. I wasn't sure about Ainsley at first, but I grew to like the way she always leaves Sam looking kind of shell-shocked after talking to her. And I like her insane love of all food. It's a bit like my little sister.

And I am so amused that you instantly found WW zombie!fic! What was more, fun zombie fic by netgirl_y2k who writes some of the best DW humour fics around. And also amused that you found a comm called apocalyptothon, too. Not surprised, of course, just very amused... :-D

It was a good fic. I am just worrying now. (Donna can deal with zombies, right? I mean, Josh'd probably do something dumb while talking a lot, but Donna'd cope. They'll survive, out in Wisconsin, and live happily ever after once everyone else has eaten everyone else's brains? *wibble*)


belantana October 24 2010, 15:05:04 UTC
I have no idea how you survived waiting that long to find out what happened. (Possibly by being less involved than I seem to be... oh dear, how did this happen?!)

Yeah, I wasn't sure about Donna at first either, but now she has grown on me in a very big way! I'm excited to see she has a spot in the titles now. Though what happened to Mandy? Maybe I missed her exit but it looks like she got shafted the same way Sam did in Spooks.

Re the fic, YOU ARE WELCOME. My first stop-off for fic recs is always delgaserasca's del.icio.us, so I cannot claim credit for randomly digging up zombies and apocalypses in relation to everything, sorry. :) As for whether or not Donna and Josh make it, probably the only way you will ever know is if you write a sequel. *unsubtle hint


lost_spook October 24 2010, 18:53:19 UTC
Write a sequel? I know NOTHING about Wisconsin! :loL:

Besides, I was too busy writing zombie!fic for Press Gang, because... I was idly thinking about this post and your love of zombies and... there was Lynda and Spike and Colin and zombies in my head. I had to get them out of there at once.

Yeah, I think Donna gradually gets more and more to do, and the more that happens, the more awesome she is. :-)

:lol: Mandy just vanished - she is the only character to completely disappear with no explanation whatsoever so far in TWW. She and Sam should probably compare notes. I mean, at least we know there's a possibility that Sam's sedation just went horribly wrong with Spooks...


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