Fanvids that got away

Aug 09, 2010 11:32

I realised, after I did my fanvid recs last weekend, that I omitted any LoM and A2A. I think I was mainly doing Big TRAILERS of DOOM and funny ones, so here's a post.

I mentioned my favourite one already, and Gene got one in the 30 Days Meme, but here's some more (non-funny) vids:

Life on Mars
Just for completeness, this one (All These Things We've Done) because it remains the best LoM fanvid I've seen. (Warning: major spoilers for the whole show, including the finale.)

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Favourite Sam/Annie vid (Again, includes clips from whole show, some spoilers).

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Happy Hour Lots of drunkeness, pubs and fighting, and dancing. It's fun.

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Ashes to Ashes
Two S1 vids, the first by Calapine, and fairly safe, the second is about the most spoilery vid I've ever seen, but perfectly captures the creepiness of that season. Remember that clown? So the two sides to S1, the fun, and the eerie...

Swords of a Thousand Men

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Land of Make Believe

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And, finally 'Speechless', A2a, whole show, so spoilery (certainly if you've got any clues about what happens), and Gene/Alex.

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life on mars, fanvids, recs, ashes to ashes

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