Meme: The long and the short

Jul 20, 2010 21:08

Two memes:

One memed from persiflage_1 where you write ORANGES! and the person gives you 5 questions, but sorry, I am going away, so i'm just going to stick to answering the qs that Pers gave me ( Read more... )

doctor who, meme

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Comments 22

paranoidangel42 July 20 2010, 21:42:48 UTC
I pretty much agree on all those audios - The One Doctor, The Chimes of Midnight and Doctor Who and the Pirates are really great.

When I read the instructions for the second meme, I thought, that'll give away the year you're born. But I looked through them, not recognising any, until I came to some I remember coming out. And when I got to Star Trek V I knew which year it was. I can't decide now whether you're really young or I feel really old...


paranoidangel42 July 20 2010, 21:59:18 UTC
And now I've just realised that says the films that were released the year you were 12, not the year you were born. In which case you are older than me and I will shut up now.


lost_spook July 21 2010, 07:11:35 UTC
:lol: Yes, I'm really old. Much too old to be hanging around here, doing memes. If it was the year I was born, that would have included Star Wars because I was born in a good year. ;-)


john_amend_all July 20 2010, 21:44:38 UTC
Your mention of Time Team leads me straight to the opinion that River Song should be replaced forthwith by Phil Harding.


lost_spook July 21 2010, 07:13:27 UTC
I should hereby admit that my knowledge of Time Team is limited to watching it when I was ill (but it was much, much better than anything else I watched when I was sick that time) some years ago, but I'm sure you're right and it would be v amusing. :-D But it struck me some years later that Six and Evelyn turning up during a televised archaeological dig and being awkward would be brilliant. My list of things to write is so long, though. :-(


john_amend_all July 21 2010, 19:17:15 UTC
For the avoidance of doubt, Phil is the one with the disreputable hat and the West Country accent.


lost_spook July 26 2010, 14:27:12 UTC
Disreputable hat? Eleven would definitely approve. Plus, a West Country accent (as in a genuine one) is a long overdue thing on DW. :-)


clocketpatch July 20 2010, 22:44:52 UTC
Your list of movies has reminded me of Babar: The Movie heh. I loved that movie as a kid and have never been able to find it again. According to wiki critics thought it was too violent and now it's hard to find. *is sad* I WANT TO RELIVE MY CHILDHOOD TRAUMA DAMNIT!


lost_spook July 21 2010, 07:14:53 UTC
Can YouTube not help? Aw. :lol:

I never saw that, but then if I was 12 when it came out, by the time it came on TV (if it did much), I'd have been way too old to watch it.

*is old*

Mind, being 12 in 1989, I got to watch S26 week by week. Aren't I the lucky one? :-D


persiflage_1 July 21 2010, 05:33:43 UTC
I thought it was fairly obvious that #2 and #5 were fantasy questions? After all, they're both highly unlikely to ever happen!

I'm SO with you on wanting them to film India and Paul in 'Chimes of Midnight' - that would be awesome!


lost_spook July 21 2010, 07:16:29 UTC
Heh, yes, especially 5, but I always contemplate whether I should play by 'this is technically possible' rules or 'make it as unrealistic as you like' because that would be different answers. They were fun questions - thank you!

It would. Now, if they lost that Christmas script and wanted to fill in with something, well... :lol:


persiflage_1 July 21 2010, 08:04:32 UTC
Alas, they're already filming the Xmas special! :(

So what would your other answer to #5 have been?

Also, blackcurrants!


lost_spook July 25 2010, 12:23:26 UTC
Heh, actually, I did both - see above! Erm, not that either were actually realistic! :lol:

I said I wasn't doing the qs, either, but since it's you, I'll see if I can think of some good ones now I'm back. ;-)


belantana July 22 2010, 14:17:01 UTC

To be honest, my favourite part of both these memes is "how do you like them oranges". I... don't know why.

I hope you have a nice time away! *waves*


lost_spook July 25 2010, 12:24:25 UTC
Heh. :-)

I did, thanks. Just v tired now... And, more importantly, my Dad enjoyed his 60th birthday celebrations.


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