Fic: UNIT - End Game

Jul 12, 2010 18:56

Story: UNIT: End Game
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: WIP
Characters/Pairings: 1980s UNIT OCs - Nat Webber, Tilly Webber, Sgt Kennedy, Captain Evered, Anna Taylor, Colonel Ashcombe, Angela Morris.
Warnings: Lots of OCs? (There are telephone calls to actual canon characters in places...)

Summary: October 1987: UNIT's scientific advisor is ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, tilly holmes, nat webber, sergeant kennedy, unit, doctor who, 1980s unit

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jjpor July 12 2010, 20:38:15 UTC
And so it begins...

*fears for all of them*


lost_spook July 12 2010, 20:45:54 UTC
Um... And when the Teaspoon updates, you'll be disappointed, because Nat annoys people is all that's happened so far. Soon there will be trouble, and aliens, and Torchwood, but not in ch1. *looks guilty*


jjpor July 13 2010, 20:26:18 UTC
Heh, well I've read it now, and yes Nat annoys people is a pretty good description of the story so far. ;D It's still all very ominous, though; what's that thing in the shed, for instance??


lost_spook July 13 2010, 20:47:41 UTC
Well, since I posted that, I posted Ch2, otherwise, it really would have been all Nat annoys people... :-)

Good question.


lost_spook July 13 2010, 21:05:21 UTC
Oh, help. Is it really THAT bad?


I know there's not much in the very first ch, but ch1-3 are really the same chapter, only it would make a very long entry, so I split it. And there really is a reason for starting like that.

Oh, well. I hope you find the rest improves a bit.


jjpor July 13 2010, 21:26:01 UTC
Oh didn't mean I didn't like it or anything! I did like it! Nat annoying people is actually kind of entertaining you know, and I liked Tilly's refusal to be in any way swayed by his nonsense (although I think his misgivings will turn out to be shockingly close to the truth...). I haven't read Ch 2 yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes and how you tie up all of that stuff you raised in the previous fics.

But no, I didn't mean Nat annoyed _me_ or that I didn't like it or anything like that. I'm sorry if you thought that. :(


lost_spook July 13 2010, 21:52:16 UTC
Yes. I was just very, very worried by my pm and then I found you hadn;t left reviews. You often don't read things, which is perfectly understandable, but you always review the things you do, so I panicked a bit. I thought with your ref to the shed, you;d got through it all & that was it. (As in: Either I've really, really gone and done it now with my nasty pms, or it was so awful JJ couldn't find anything worth saying about it. Eek.)

I'll go away and calm down before we reach some sort of ridiculous apology and foot-in-mouth fest between us. (I had to go back to work today... That explains everything. :lol:)

Like two people endlessly unable to get through the door: "You first." "No, no, after you..." "No, after you".

Anyay, I extracted a review of sorts there, so I should go to bed, either happy or badly guilty, but definitely should shut up and go...


jjpor July 13 2010, 22:30:41 UTC
Oh, no need to be worried about the pm - I didn't think you were having a go or anything and, well, I hope my answer hasn't scared you off ( ... )


lost_spook July 14 2010, 17:08:41 UTC
No, no. I'm sorry I didn't have time to edit it when I cut it out of the comment and make it, well, less generally. :lol: And not scared by you. ;-p ( ... )


jjpor July 14 2010, 20:32:11 UTC
Well, I'm not in the slightest bit scary, to be honest, and I'm not sure I'd want to be, but it probably explains why I have icons like this bloke. I'm overcompensating for my general lack of scariness! ;D ( ... )


lost_spook July 16 2010, 21:16:02 UTC
I thought you seemed a bit brighter, maybe. (Um. I don't mean taht intellectually, obviously. Cheerfully.) Good. And I hope they only have good things for you in their grand plan, or they just forget you're there. But I'm glad you're okay for the moment - hope the moment goes on, at least so you get your equilibrium back for a bit.

Hmm, only one or two to survive the UNIT massacre? Well, it's obvious which two it would be, because Miss Lonsdale is indestructible and things just bounce off Private Bagnell, but the rest of them would have had it, sadly.

And I never said there would be a massacre... You must admit my previous track record doesn't indicate likely massacres up ahead. (Although I suppose there is The Rime on The Spray...)



jjpor July 17 2010, 16:22:17 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, I've been generally happier these past few weeks. We could be living in a fool's paradise, of course, because we don't know what our longterm future is or even if we have one, but it is quite nice to have some breathing space. I only have to last for another couple of weeks, and then I'm off for a fortnight on my holidays, so that's nice. Hope to get some proper writing in - either more on The Bore, or killing off my current litter of bunnies to clear my decks for a redoubled crack at The Bore... Or maybe something else along the lines of Hob and Dragon - I haven't decided yet...

Yes, on previous form I don't think you'll really go through with the bloodbath...but then I think "maybe that's what she _wants_ me to think...", you know so when it happens it comes as a surprise. Regarding the survivors - okay, but only if you let me write Miss Lonsdale/Pte Bagnell sequel fic! XD


lost_spook July 17 2010, 17:04:57 UTC
:lol: Your suspicious nature! It's more likely to be the other way round (i.e. only one or two dead...). But, yes, maybe it's all some cunning double bluff.

No, if you can't do anything about it, you might as well just enjoy the breathing space while you have it. And, yep, I'm also looking forward to my hols. They're a bit more random than they were going to be, but I do have a week in August.

And you should write The Black Bore first while you have a stretch of time. (This is me bullying you, as requested. I want a word count before and after the holiday, and the first draft in by Monday, or else. Or something. :lol:)

Oh, and it'd be worth writing a massacre just to see that! :-D


jjpor July 17 2010, 21:50:39 UTC
My suspicious nature has always served me well... Always expect the unexpected etc etc... :D

Yes, breathing space! And yes to The Black Bore! You have just decided my wavering mind on the matter, so yay for you! XD I think you're right - I've been a bit stop-start with it since the start of the year, distracting myself with other things, but if I get to concentrate on it for a length of time and get some decent wordage down, that might be what it takes to get me back on track. I'll post some extracts etc on lj, just so you know I'm really doing it and because the feedback and stuff got me through the Hob story, so hopefully they'll do the same with this one. Yes, bullying encouraged!

Well, I've noticed your tendency to pair off your OCs - we've had Nat/Tilly, Kate/Kennedy and now Anna/Evered - but no love for Miss Lonsdale?! XD


lost_spook July 18 2010, 07:40:25 UTC
Good! I mean, I have no clue what you're doing, obviously, but if you're really serious (and I hope you are, cos I want to read this book, thanks), then a bit of space to coentrate on it sounds like a good idea. Of course, rl will immediately be awkward, I'm sure. :lol: But i'll look forward to that. :-)

Yes. I have to slap on my tendency to be cute, pair off people etc etc. It's just too tempting when you realise how well it'd work. Miss Lonsdale? Oh, but sadly Cpl Leonards got killed. :-p

(Oh, and completely random but just got round to watching the commentary for Don't Lose Your Head and was totally distracted to find that one of the 18th C ladies chatting up Charles Hawtrey was Servalan in disguise Jacqueline Pearce. Heh. If ever I manage to write a lot again, there'll have to be more random Carry On crossovers in the world.)


jjpor July 18 2010, 13:06:10 UTC
Oh, I'm sure something will no doubt crop up to derail my plans, but I'll give it my best crack over the fortnight. The real problem is that while I know the basic story and how it ends, my idea of how to get there keeps changing all the time, but hopefully just writing something down will make it fall into place or something,

Poor old Cpl Leonards...I was forgetting about him. Awww, poor Miss Lonsdale... :(

Heheh - yes! I was thinking the other day about Delgado!Master randomly showing up with Doctors other than Three (I mean, he had a fully working TARDIS - it could happen!) I sort of imagined him in swinging London of the late 60s, with a medallion and a kaftan, acting as some sort of mystical guru to the rich and famous as part of his latest scheme... Yes, mainly it was just because I thought Delgado!Master and Polly would be kind of cool together... :D


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