Early Birthday Greetings & Fic

Jun 20, 2010 21:10

I'm posting this early, but the fic is on Teaspoon, so it most likely will be the 21st by the time it's accessible:

Happy Birthday to john_elliott.

This was going to be an apology as to why I didn't write you birthday fic, but I suddenly worked out to make my idea a short one-shot instead of an epic, and lo and behold, there was fic!

A Stitch in Time
In which UNIT go about their business as usual. Except it's not 1970, it's 1922, the Doctor's run off somewhere, Liz is going undercover dressed as a flapper and the Brigadier's in need of some expert advice from someone... (1882 words, All ages)

This fic ought to be set in a more distant time for the point to work, but I couldn't resist the 1920s once I'd thought of it. But the other birthday-ish thing about this fic is that - if you want, you can now make an open series on Teaspoon and put my story into it. (Just be careful - the power crazed feeling that goes with this is worrying.)

Hope you have a nice day tomorrow!!

(If others are going 'Eh?' you must go at once and read John's fic Business As Usual in which the logic behind this is explained. And because it's brilliant, of course.)

fannish scribbles, brig/liz, birthday, unit, doctor who, crossover

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