Two Short Funnies: Companion Classes & Bric a Brac

Nov 17, 2008 20:10

All right, so you've just discovered the level of my sense of humour and the depths to which I will sink, but anyway, don't think I've linked to these two yet.

Companion Classes
(All Ages, Six & Peri)

The Doctor decides that it's about time Peri learned more about him.  Naturally, this involves a slide show presentation, some confusion and a written test.

TTR: Bric a Brac
(All Ages, Nine, Crossover with The Two Ronnies).

Which involves one Doctor, two Ronnies and a sonic screwdriver and surprisingly little innuendo.

I've removed the obvious TTR links in this one, but it actually takes place in Nameless, because where else would you find Nyder and Nine shopping at the Two Ronnies' hardware store?

Some explanation about this one, particularly for anyone who's not aware of the Two Ronnies:

The Two Ronnies (you mean you really don't know?) are Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker and their sketch show shared Saturday night billing with Doctor Who in the 70s.  Word play was their forte and their most famous sketch is the 'fork handles' sketch, which takes place in a hardware store (of the sort my home town had - it'd been around since the 18th C.  Sadly it ceased to exist a few years ago).  You're beginning to see where I'm going with this?  I didn't think I was capable of coming up with a list of alien objects that would equate to Four candles / fork handles etc., so went with another of their stand-bys - finishing off sentences or sort of crossed conversations.  (Look, I know what I mean...)

I keep meaning to do another of these, with Nine stuck at Nameless Station and phoning Rose to come and pick him up because the train's been cancelled - and the guy on the payphone next to him is Ronnie C.

Nine: "Rose, sorry to bother you, but  I'm stranded."

Ronnie C: "Not again, darling.  I thought we were having chips for tea."

etc etc.

Of course, it may simply be that I am certifiably insane.

fannish scribbles, two ronnies, ninth doctor, doctor who, peri brown, sixth doctor

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