30 Days of Telly Meme - Days 06 & 07

May 25, 2010 19:05

Since I'm all behind now, two days together - they seem a natural pairing.

And... I have no time left to talk about this but,

Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show: Robots of Death and GhostlightI have talked more than enough about Robots and one day I will about Ghostlight, which may be confusing (really?) but still has its own ( Read more... )

30 days of telly meme, doctor who, meme

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Comments 13

boro_girl May 25 2010, 18:17:35 UTC
For what it's worth, the recent ep wasn't as bad as 42. (Mind you, I don't think anything could be!) There were some really good moments in there so could be worth having a look. Although chances are the recap on Saturday will tell you everything you need to know for the second part!


lost_spook May 25 2010, 20:39:43 UTC
Thanks. That's my plan - watch Pt 2 and if I enjoy it, which I probably will, then I catch up with Pt 1. :-)


persiflage_1 May 25 2010, 18:33:39 UTC
42? Huh, you have strange tastes. 42 is not nearly as bad as 'Love and Monsters' or 'Fear Her'. The last 5 - 10 minutes of 'Love and Monsters' ruin what would otherwise have been a very clever story and make it utterly obscene. I shudder just thinking about it.

At least 42 is only full of utterly hokey skience!


lost_spook May 25 2010, 20:57:49 UTC
It's a little unfair to choose a New Who ep, because there are very few I've seen twice & that can change my mind. I haven't seen Fear Her, and while I hated the ending of Love & Monsters, to the point that it did turn me against the story, I still give it credit for being very good until then and also pretty original. 42 - it's not hokey science (it would have to be mind-blowingly hugely bad for me to even notice), it was a load of derivative sf cliches stitched together with soap-style emotions. Thankfully David Tennant put in an amazing turn, particularly towards the end, and Freema was not far behind, but up until 42 my least favourite episode would have been an Eric Saward penned effort (Resurrection, Attack, or maybe Warriors of the Deep, which he, erm, altered significantly), but that one overtook them. But, as I said, I haven't rewatched it, and rewatches can make a difference. Mind you, whatshername was a worse choice for ship's captain than Beryl Reid. Actually, I shouldn't say that, because I love Beryl Reid as a ( ... )


persiflage_1 May 26 2010, 05:29:22 UTC
42 IS hokey skience - the entire crew would've already been dead if they were 42 minutes away from crashing into the sun and lacking any kind of shields. I may not be brilliant at science, but even I know that's utter rubbish.

And name me 3 episodes of RTD's Who that *aren't* full of soap opera emotions and badly stitched together cliches!


lost_spook May 26 2010, 06:33:59 UTC
No, I meant, the hokey science isn't my problem with it. I was just bored with the writing. RTD has his faults (mainly Silly Endings and Duh! Now, don't do that, but no, he doesn't do the thing that I mentally categorise as 'make your characters react as if they're in a soap' rather than stop and think about being true to the characters. That's more a TW thing with CC, though. Obviously, he couldn't mess with DW too much. So my TW dislike is creeping into my thoughts about this episode. I'm sorry. As I said, I've never seen it again, so I might find it wasn't anything like as bad as I thought. But I'm not very inclined to watch it a second time... I just didn't like it. It bored me until, as I said, David Tennant decided to step up the acting by a million notches.

Doesn't anyone want to talk about Robots and Ghostlight? Now, there are two good episodes! :-D


pitry May 25 2010, 19:24:56 UTC
Well, while I quite liked 42 (definitely more than series' 3 Dalek nonsense), I agree he;s a very hit and miss writer. I don't quite remember his LoM episode (although I'm re-watching now yay!) but in TW he was very hit-and-miss, wrote some of my favourite episodes, and some of my least favourite (on the bright side, he didn't write From Out of the Rain :D)


lost_spook May 25 2010, 21:01:07 UTC
I confess that I find him a miss and miss by a mile writer. I'm almost pleased with myself because I rarely dislike things this much, but my heart sinks when I see 'by Chris Chibnall' on anything. However, he's a very comptentent writer technically, so maybe one day he'll really impress me with something. I think I liked one of his TW episodes a bit, and his 2 LoM eps weren't bad or anything (it was LoM), but they weren't as good as the other 12 episodes. :-)

IMHO as people say when they've been ranting off the top of their head. To be fair, if I watched it again, I might be pleasantly surprised. You never know.


pitry May 26 2010, 00:38:35 UTC
Haha. He's your proof you're not an uncritical fan! See, he's good for something! :D
Although I don't know. I quite liked to really liked about half of his TW - with the exception of the big CGI monster End of Days is a fantastic episode, and he also wrote Fragments and Adrift which were wonderful. And I think Day One really grew on me.
Then again, he also wrote Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Cyberwoman. Sigh.

AND OMG, your icon is the epitome of adorable!


lost_spook May 26 2010, 06:40:00 UTC
Heh, I'm way too critical of lots of things, but I like DW. Even the dodgy bits. :-)

I have a feeling that Adrift is the one that I hate, loathe and detest with a passion reserved for no other episode of TV and the epitome of my problem with CC, and made me give up on TW, so I don't think we'd better go into details there :lol:.

I know, he isn't a bad writer. I think it's a personal thing. His flaws (and what writer doesn't have those?) are things that niggle at me, plus we seem to have wildly divergent world-views. I must stop being mean to the bloke. I have come to the opinion that I just need to avoid things written by him. It makes it awkward when he gets invited to write a two-parter for DW. You see my dilemma. :lol:

And the icon is made by sallymn who makes lots of great DW, B7 and apparently the odd Wallace and Gromit icon! :-)


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