Fic: UNIT - Silver Bullet

May 24, 2010 22:07

Normal service will be resumed at some point with memes and catching up with people and all, but I posted Chapter 1 of the next UNIT fic this evening:

UNIT: Silver Bullet(Waiting for the okay onto Teaspoon ( Read more... )

nat webber, unit, doctor who, 1980s unit, fannish scribbles, tilly holmes, sergeant kennedy, liz shaw

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jjpor May 28 2010, 20:29:38 UTC
Well...funny you should mention that...there was A Development a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't think I ought to mention it in case it turned out to be a case of counting chickens, but anyway we had a meeting with The Boss yesterday, and basically...

Well, I can't go into detail on the intrawebs, for confidentiality reasons, but basically in the past few weeks Company X, of which I am an employee, has been taken over/bought out/what have you by Company Y, who are much bigger and with a more robust client base, and they have confirmed that they will be looking to retain most or all of the current staff, which means that redundancies are on hold for the time being. It also means that there is quite likely to be more work for me to do after the account I am currently working on expires on June 30. So, while I don't want to go celebrating when things are still a bit up-in-the-air and we're still unclear on precisely what will be happening to us in the next few months, I no longer need to get another job by the end of next month. So, good-ish news, then!

Anyway, I was feeling quite pleased about that, and then I came online and read Maggadin's lj post yesterday, and was reminded pretty forcefully that my worries pale in comparison to some other people's. I hope she'll be okay. :(

And I hope everything is going okay for you too. As okay as it can, anyway.

And no, I don't think Kennedy's stupid...just, well, straightforward in that Benton-esque sort of way. Here's hoping he and the Captain don't get eaten by wolf-creatures at the start of the next chapter!


lost_spook May 29 2010, 09:16:06 UTC
Well, thanks fro all your kind reviews, anyway. :-)

And I'm glad to hear there's something positive going on. And problems are still problems, and horrible, no matter what shape they come in. Most of mine rarely come under the heading of 'proper' problems, but still... I think that was the point of UNIT: Wraiths, really. Heh.

And, yes, I saw that, too, and so let's hope that's a positive step, really. :-(

I'll comment on my week once I've done next week, because the stress is starting to wear on all of us. I'm a bit scatty at the best of times, but I keep finding myself in my car not knowing where I'm going, or I know where I'm going or why, and writing three different emails and not being able to remember who to, or why... But, you know, we're all going on together, and that helps. I would like it to get easier sooner, but there aren't short cuts in learning the new stuff. However, I look forward to seeing what sort of marvellous person this will make me, as it's adversity that builds character, so there's something. I expect you'll be pretty marvellous, too, soon, although, of course, you might have been already...


Straight-forward is the word for Kennedy, yes. :lol: And many thanks for reading. Btw, sort of in response to things here, and on Teaspoon, yes, there are links between all three of these upcoming stories, and my title for this one is a ref to it not being a werewolf, to Battlefield, and also me having fun being metaphorical. If that helps. ;-)


jjpor May 29 2010, 18:49:35 UTC
Well yes, it was, wasn't it? The idea that the seriousness of a problem is not always something that can be measured objectively. Mountains made out of molehills can sometimes still be mountains all the same...

And yeah, here's hoping...

Aw, it sounds like you're still having a bit of a time, but I'm sure things will look up at some point. As you say, it's probably just going to take some time to get used to the new situation. And yes, it's meant to be character-building, isn't it? But I hope things do pick up for you a bit in the not-too-distant future, and keep plugging away there. :)

Metaphorical, eh? Classy! :D Well, I look forward to seeing what the next parts will bring and the links that will become apparent. And hopefully Kennedy won't start having visions of his dead dad and screaming "my name's not Johnny, it's JOHN!!!!" (have you seen "War Time?" If not, that will mean nothing to you, but it is a pretty trippy experience all told. Mind you, of all the UNIT era characters, Benton seems to me like the _least_ likely to have hidden depths and "issues". Just goes to show...)


lost_spook May 29 2010, 20:02:04 UTC
I haven't seen War Time, so I'm glad you added that explanation, or I would have been even more confused than I am. Oh, I often have metaphors. Sometimes I even run to similes as well, but I'm not so good at those. (That was the hardest part of attempting to write like PG Wodehouse. I was going to say I expect you got that, too, but then you have more similes in general...) ;-)

Kennedy certainly won't yell about his name being John, or Johnny, because it's not, & Nat's the one with the dead dad, Tilly's the one with the dead everybody. His dark secret, as far as I know (he's not all that communicative, tho'...) is what Nat doesn't know about him and Kate. :-D

Yep. That was my point. :-) I'm sure all things will be well and all manner of things will be well. Eventually. Yes, sorry. Stuff is improving, I'm sure. Just been a trying week, and it was only four days long for me...

Now, I was supposed to be writing UNIT running around Tarr Steps chasing a wolf, wasn't I?


jjpor May 30 2010, 20:54:35 UTC
War Time is...interesting... We watched it as part of one of those, ahem, perfectly legal, ahem, DbyA "DW Live" sessions, otherwise I'm sure I never would have bothered, but well, now I can say I've seen it. The thing about it is, Benton has always struck me as pretty much a what-you-see-is-what-you-get sort of character, therefore the least likely UNIT type to have a dark and troubled past that needed exploring in the medium of semi-pro fan video... Still, on the plus side John Levene turns in a truly bizarre and deeply amusing performance, and his dead dad is played by Michael "Davros and that bloke out of Terror of the Autons" Wisher. So that's nice.

Yeah, similes and metaphors - I used to know which was which buy now I get them mixed up! That Wodehouse thing...I don't know, I was like in the zone or something when I wrote that, mostly in one sitting too. I don't know if I could do it (or attempt it!) again. A lot of the dialogue there though is based on things I remembered from watching Jeeves and Wooster repeats on ITV3, so I'm not going to go around bragging or anything! :D

And if Nat found out I'm sure he'd be terribly...British...about it. Or maybe not; he might be okay with the idea. Or not.

Aw well, I hope things do improve for you in the long run and that all the nonsense isn't too painful in the meantime. And yes, I expect to see more wolf-action soon! :D


lost_spook May 31 2010, 08:01:18 UTC
There's more wolf action, as requested. :-)

Well, so you've seen War Time, then? Well done. ;-D I think I'm glad I haven't, in that case. Wha *are* you implying about DbyA?? 8-o

And if I believe that, I'll believe anything. *rolls eyes* Seems thats the only way to write it, then! I didn't have a Blandings TV to go to. And I must work myself up to it, because I have a lovely prequel/sequel in which Eight and Charley turn up after the same object, which Ten has already taken, with the Master, and Charley becoming a serial fiancee, as it were, and it's based a bit on PG Wodehouse's outline for a sequel to 'Lord Emsworth and the Girlfriend', except less so than it was meant to be. But it's setting aside a bit of space. Once I get these UNIT fics finished, I need to do some of the others that got abandoned, like that. Sorry. I didn't mean to waffle so long there.

I'd better not say anything more about Kennedy & Kate, and Nat and co... Hopefully all will be become clear soon, and then I can kill them all off. ;-)


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