Day 17 - Favourite mini-series. (I'm rebellious, I'm doing the days out of order. This post has to be done on a Sunday - classic period drama day. ;-D Besides, as
pedanther pointed out, otherwise this meme ends on a really depressing note
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Hmm, they said on the DVD extras - I think it must be one of those working museums, with the exterior and interior being two different places.
I listened to the commentary & it's quite interesting, though there's no cast on it, especially since I had been wondering about some of the choices made in dramatising it from the book - as I mentioned, it's clearly incredibly faithful, with some changes, but I couldn't understand why there was what seemed some clumsy alterations to the proposal scene in Pt 2 - but not only did they discuss that, but there's an extended version of it, which actually makes sense of why there's a weird, muttered line about fruit in the middle of it. I was puzzled. (SOmetimes I watch and read almost at the same time with these things...)
PLus an interview with RA in which he gives the final scenes as one of his three favourites "Because that was a nice way to spend an afternoon." :lol:
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