Im sorry I havent been on lately, mainly Ive been keping up on Facebook for my news (Not that I kept up on this one especially )
Things havent gone so great in the near year I've been away. Mom and Dad had to file for bankrupcy, The job scene here is so disasterous its taken a year for one of us out of the siblings to find a job, 'Lynneth' and me have been in an uncomfortable spot to say the least. I only hear from her maybe once a month . I hope this particular part ends real soon...
Anyway, things havent been all bad, Our FLGS is quickly becoming the big play in MO. It just held the 3rd biggest Prelease for MtG in the state (Right behind the number 1 shop and WotC's official event) and had The biggest Yugioh Sneak preview in the state. With a WoW TCG one on the way things are looking a lot better there.
I think a lot of the problems it still has to deal with is mainly player snobbery and the fact the owner is possibly a Man-Whore :P
The only other thing that has gone on is the future arrival of Kalme to MO! I hope to see her soon for a College tour in Rolla, basically so she isnt the Only one there. I think Lentra will be there too at some point but Im not sure
Well, Im sorry to cut this off abruptly but things are still hellish, I have to get some sleep and recover from this nasty cold ...
And as I said long before, Goodnight and Goodluck