Avoid One Dollar Men...

Apr 02, 2005 21:30

So, last night, yes i went ot Velocity, one of charlotte's gay clubs. It was the first time ive been at a club when it wasnt a holiday and it was my first *le gasp* drag show. Honestly, i could have done without the latter... but all is well. I went with Jessica aka: camera whore and Witney aka: the naughty kittay. Basically, we "played" a game of pool and lounged about in oddly shaped couches. We took tons of pictures because, if i must say so myself, we looked hot. Like, love me long time quality. The pictures will now make up my lj format and icon. The at about 12 the drag show commenced. It featured many performers, one of which was a transvestite in lingerie, i could have lived without that experience, ever, in life, but whatever.... ANYWAYS... We left at about one, and went uptown. We got a slice at fuel pizza and, at bar charlotte, confermed why i dont go to straight clubs- if you have a penis, you cant get in until your 21. We ended up crashing at kitatay's sisters place around 2:30 and staying up til about 3:30.

We got up at 11.... when i was supposed to be at work. Yes, i was dumb, no i didnt check my schedule, yes i feel irresponsible, no i dont have a hangover- as accused by ms. flood. Damn Daniel for telling everyone.. frankly, its not his big-headed busness.

Yes, my pet, it is hard to like someone. I just cant help but feel bad about it. I mean, he has a girlfriend, and i will not deney, that at least subconsciously *cough*consciously*cough* i did want to see him naked for other things than my art. He is going to feel like i used art as an excuse to get his clothes off, which, once again, might not be all false so.... *le sigh* im screwed. I mean, he so damn nice..and *nice*, i just dont know. Like today, he dropped his brother off at the theater tonight, but he didnt just drop him off; he parked the car, and saw if i was working, and talked to me. I mean, maybe im delusional, but that just damn sweet and not something that people do, unless there is more involved in the relationship. So things like that fuck with my mind and keep my little heart a pattering.... oh what to do.

ps: the whole one doller me thing is in reference to the bum asking for a dollar uptown, which i quickly scooped c.whore and kittay up to protect them...and also the many men giving dollers to the drag queens, yeah...those too.

"I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I love you to love me,I'm begging you to beg me...."
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