May 29, 2005 23:50
Ahh! Its a journal!! Kill it!! Okay, since last posted ness I've been to two concerts. A GC/SP concert ----don't ask, I haven't told any of my friends out of shame. And a SUM FORTY FUCKING ONE CONCERT! Ha! Suck on that bitches! Okay, It was seriously awesome, and they played old school shit from their earlier albums (Even 2 from their first- because Makes No Difference is a kick ass song) ! And all the preteens in the crowd who were there for the angst from Chuck went huh? And the rest of us just jumped- which was awesome. It was very cool- they did this hilarious cover of Elvis where Deryck stuffed a pillow down his shirt, wore sunglasses and had a towel around his neck. And Steve came dowm and sang Pain while Deryck played the drums. And Cone and Dave were kickass! Yay! And no school tomorrow! Oh, but the sad part is one of my friends who I didnt go with got to get on their tour bus and meet them cause Vinnie's- thats the kid who met them- mom works for the place where the concert was held. Fucking bastard- he's okay but we're not close enough for him to have offered me backstage access. Even though my really good friend is really good friends with him- we only hang out by proxy during lunch. Anyway- bye-ers. Oh- cause Im bored, a convo I had with tk.
noyoudidntpsht: pooponthefloor90: omg he's so horny
noyoudidntpsht: ^lol
noyoudidntpsht: yeah thats all we talk about in indiana
Emma102491: lol
Emma102491: well, I suppose its better than raping cows
Emma102491: dont ask- long story
noyoudidntpsht: oh anddd...gang staaaaaah: mmm i'll fuck taylor
noyoudidntpsht: yes it is
noyoudidntpsht: hahah
Emma102491: but suffice it to day, my friends have decided thats what they do in utah
Emma102491: *say
Emma102491: for fun
Emma102491: so thats what we talk about in ny
noyoudidntpsht: lmao
noyoudidntpsht: hahaaha
noyoudidntpsht: lol
noyoudidntpsht: oh yeah!
Emma102491: lol
noyoudidntpsht: gang staaaaaah: and hes like "used to be love one another, now it's LUST for your lover"
Emma102491: lol
Emma102491: 0.0
noyoudidntpsht: gang staaaaaah: there's this hanson song
noyoudidntpsht: haha HANDSON!
noyoudidntpsht: *no d
noyoudidntpsht: mah bad
noyoudidntpsht: lol
Emma102491: ....
Emma102491: 0.0
noyoudidntpsht: SUCK IT BITCH!
noyoudidntpsht: hahaha
Emma102491: lol
>.> anyway....yeah. I'm emma102491. Emma's not my name- its my middle name. But its better than Catherine- which all my friends mutilate. Some of them have sunk to calling me Cather. How fucked is that? Then again- Dana calls me greaseball. Don't ask- I wash everyday its an inside joke we have.