If you need to make money for your portfolio, you could always sell one of your drawings. I dont know if your the kind of person who likes to keep things when theyve worked hrd on it, but i reckon you get a fair bit of cash from your pictures. They're good, you've got real talent. You could even go into somewhere like covent garden (or whereever the nearest covent garden-esque place is to you) and offer to do prtraits of people in the street. Seriously, from the drawings you've put on your journal, i reckon your good enough.
But you are! Seriously! Dont put your self down. If i could draw even half as well as you can, i would be one very happy girl (and one who would have got higher than a 'D' at gcse graphics...). You have talent. USE IT!!
Comments 7
you are so talented! keep up the nice work friend
Am i the only one who think PJ Harvey looks like a man?
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