Picspam: Big Love finale

Mar 22, 2011 05:28

This picspam was pretty rushed and crappy but I wanted to do something. Big Love is one of my all time favorite shows and my heart is still broken. Even though going in I knew it was going to end this way because one it was spoiled for me and two how else was it really going to end? I had hopes that they could have ended it with them all being happy and together but yeah that woulda been too cheesy I guess. The scene was amazingly beautiful and the whole cast outdid themselves, they all deserve a Emmy especially Jeanne. I really loved that they played God Only Knows, but damn I'll probably tear up every time I hear it now. I'm so sad to see this amazing show go.

Bill: Bless me. I need a blessing. I need a blessing from you. Please.
Barb: Bill Orville Henrickson, by the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood. I give you this blessing of comfort.
The Heavenly Father knows what's in your heart...

Margene: It breaks my heart he wasn't here to see this day.

Please do not repost anywhere
Download: Natalie Maines - God Only Knows
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