Jul 26, 2006 23:00
deep in the heart of texas~
So far the vacation has been nice, i haven't been to a movie theater in quite some time and yet i feel quite uneasy about the whole ordeal. I did check my work email once whilst being here and discovered very discouraging emails about my so-so "whirlwind vacation"......
after that i swore not to read any other emails pertaining to work or anything for that matter and i plan for this to be the last time i sign online for anything in a while. Else i suddenly decide to call my boss and inform her i quit and will not return and hope she mails my paycheck to the right adress.........but i dont want to do that.....
The main reason im on is to say "hi" to a few people who i know will read this and if they dont then its okay cause i will forget posting it anyway.
To: Dobby- you better not spend all your pay check, in fact none of it if you can help it. There is an anime convention coming up soon and you will want to save.
To: Captain- I would appreciate if you got that message to Dobby and i hope that you aren't being to nice to everyone there since the bain of your existance is in a whole nother country. Good night.....chu~ (haha)
Now i must go to bed before i peeve off the roomies from the loud typing noise from this old computer.