well, I don't know
just what I'm here for
I want more than words can describe
I've been deprived
can you believe it
my whole world
well, it's falling apart
well, it falls
still it falls
well, it falls apart around me
and you pick me back up
oh, said you pick me back up
oh, you're gonna pick me back up
and you get me high
said you pick me back up
oh, said you pick me back up
oh, you're gonna pick me back up
and you get me high
cause I'm drinking all of the tears you cry
Title: Unrequited
Author: Jessa the Phantom Fangirl
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dom/Emilie [Implied Dom/Evie and Emilie/Josh]
Summary: Dom and Evangeline announce their engagement.
Disclaimer: I'm not affliated with Dom, Emilie or any of the people in this story. This is a work of fiction and is in no way based on real events. Dom and Emilie belong to themselves. The lyrics at the beginning are from "Get Me High" by Jason Mraz.
Author's Note: This is my first Domilie fic as well as an experiment with POVs. Please leave feedback? Even flames are down.
I didn't even hear Jack when he yelled "cut!". I was too into her. It's a good thing Evie wasn't on set that day. Our kiss lasted much longer than it should have. But it was only acting, right? Sure Dominic. Keep telling yourself that.
Keep telling yourself that you don't love kissing those soft lips and seeing those pale blue eyes when you pull away. Tell yourself you don't dream about what it would be like to wake up next to her. To open your eyes and be wrapped around her small, warm body and to have her cuddled up to your chest, trusting that you'll keep her safe all through the night. Bloody hell. Okay, I've got to stop now.
I'm engaged to a wonderful woman. I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy...
Evie's great. She's more than I could ever ask for. We share the same interests, laugh at the same things and she's not exactly hard to look at. She's gorgeous really.
Then why can't I get Emilie off my mind?
I look forward to having scenes with her just so I can spend all day listening to her speak. When I get my script, the first thing I do, without even thinking, is flip through it looking for "Claire" and "Charlie" on the same page. Imagine my excitement when I found out that we had a second kissing scene to do. No matter how many takes we had to do, it never got old. I might have even buggered up a few times by "accident".
The memory of her lips on mine linger as I watch her lean over one of the many little Aarons we have on set. She makes sweet little faces and says all the ridiculous things you say to babies in that silly tone of voice. She's babbling away, unaware of my fascination with her. The way she acts so motherly even when the cameras aren't rolling touches me and I've not got a clue why. A lot of other women in her position would never want to look at another baby ever again, especially after just spending the whole day around them, but not Emilie. She has this odd way of being protective of the babies they use for her fictional son as if they were actually hers. I find it incredibly sweet.
I contemplate walking over to her and striking up a conversation, and trust me, I'm dying to, but I soon decide against it. I don't have the heart to end this moment.
Unfourtunately, it was broken regardless when a pair of strong arms snaked their way around my waist. I knew instantly who it was. I could tell by the thick brown hair that brushed against my cheek as she laid her chin on my shoulder. I had to force a smile as she placed a kiss on my jaw. Today was the day.
Last night we argued about it for a long time. I tried to stall and she just wanted to tell everyone. I don't even know why I proposed; it just seemed like the next logical step in the relationship. I wonder how Emilie will react... a part of me almost wants to see her face twist with jealousy just so I can see that she feels as strongly about me as I do about her.
"Hi" I heard myself say. I don't know how I managed because my mind was anywhere but on Evangeline. Trying to make it as non-chalant as possible, I squirmed out of her grip. Animated as ever, she didn't even seem to notice my discomfort. Before I turned to face my fiancee, I snuck one last glance at Emilie, who was still kneeling next to the wicker crib. I was suprised to see that she was looking at me. Our eyes met, blue on grey, and I felt a jolt run through me like electricity. It felt odd but deliciously addictive. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stay lost in Emilie forever. Evie was waiting.
- -- --- --xx-- --- -- -
It was killing me. Seeing him laugh at her joke was killing me inside. I don't want to admit it but I don't want to see him smile like that for anyone but me. Of course, I'm being more than ridiculous. I know it. Luckily no one else does.
Oh God, now she's touching him. To distract myself I turn back towards Natalie, the baby who played Aaron today. How no one who watches the show can tell it's a girl amazes me. She has the prettiest blue eyes. The way her eyelids are drooping from all the activity of the day makes me smile and picks me up for a moment. I know that will all change if I even spare one glance in his direction. I can't stand feeling this way.
When he's not around, I feel so guilty for thinking about him so much. Guilty that I imagine he's kissing me instead of my own husband. I don't understand it. Josh and I used to have such fire; now his lips feel cold and just... wrong. Since I met Dom, my whole world has turned upside down. I can't say that I mind, especially when we're kissing, or rather when Charlie and Claire are kissing.
The sound of his rough voice with his unique accent brings me away from such deep thoughts and I finally stand, backing away from the crib. Natalie is immediately scooped up by her mother and carted away, leaving me alone and with nothing to occupy my mind. Dom and Evie stand in the middle of our beach set, next to a water trough crafted out of a blue tarp. The ocean waves are a little choppy today and temporarily drown out Evie's voice, even though she's shouting in order to get everyone's attention. I move closer to her and Dom, wishing he would remove his hand from her waist but too curious to stay away. I have a bad feeling about this...
I end up right in front of them, squished between Naveen and Jorge. A rather large hoard of crew members and cast alike are crowded around them now, all of them with the same look of confusion on their faces. Evie looks positively thrilled. Dom is smiling but being the expert on reading him, a skill aquired from the scary amount of time I spend observing his behaviour, he looks a little like he's trying too hard. Or maybe I'm just imagining it. Am I imagining he's looking at me too?
"Dom and I have something to tell you guys," Evie says. 'No duh', I think bitterly. I can't help myself. It's not that I don't like Evie, that's not the case at all. The problem is that I want to. I want to be able to hate her and have a good reason to. The only reason I have is that she's with Dom and I can't be.
Dom doesn't say a word, he just stands by her with his cheeky smile as she continues. "We're getting married!" she says, topping it off with an uncharacteristic girly squeal that's like an extra kick in the face. Oh God. That didn't just happen. Numb disbelief floods me and I freeze. I'm sure I look like a statue next to everyone else, now all clamoring to congratulate the happy couple. Eventually I have to move or someone will notice and ask me if I'm okay. Maybe it will be Dom. This is the one time when I wouldn't appreciate it.
Okay, I have to rise above it. Plastering a smile on my face, I finally begin walking towards them. My pace is similar to one you would see at a funeral and what is only actually a few feet seems to take forever to cross. I woory they'll see right through my painful smile but they're a bit busy. I hug Evie awkwardly and try to share in her excitement like I know I'm supposed to. I don't think I quite manage but it doesn't matter. There's people practically pushing me out of the way to get to her, demanding to see her ring and asking if they've set a date yet. I'm relieved when Foxy takes my place, brushing past me and hugging Evie tightly.
I search the throng for Dom and am puzzled to see him off by himself. He likes to be be the life of the party, the center of attention. This should be a prime opportunity for his numerous punchlines about their wild honeymoon or how he'll be whipped once they're married that you know he's been working on.
"Hey you," I say quietly, poking him in the arm. His face lights up a little when he looks up and sees me there, or so I like to think. "Congratulations. You must be so happy," I force myself to whisper. His face is unreadable for once and he doesn't respond right away. Instead of answering me with words, he puts on a sort of forlorn smile and wraps his arms around me in one smooth motion.
This catches me off guard but soon I melt into his embrace, laying my head on his shoulder and nuzzling his neck more intimately than I intended to. We stay like this for a moment, both of us lost in each other. We don't need to speak. What's there to say? I'm dissapointed to pull away and try to maintain the connection by taking his hands and letting them hang conjoined between us. To anyone looking at us, we're good friends sharing a joyful moment but we're really trying so hard to let go. I have to give up on any hope for anything more than a friendship. I have to stop dreaming of him.
He gives me an adorable half smile and then lets my hands drop to my sides. Or moment is over and it's time for him to go back to Evie.
- -- --- --xFINx-- --- -- -