Aug 08, 2010 22:37
Woodstock is 1707 days old
Blondie and Dagwood are 1193 days old
Received a call yesterday from S. Lately he has been rather depressed and done a lot of bitching on Facebook and mentioned moving to Venice Beach, California because apparently everyone in Chicago sucks and there is nothing here for him. He wanted to bring me “into the loop. A very small loop.”
To my surprise, he was indeed depressed about V. Normally he spends a great deal of time bitching about her. In fact he rarely speaks about positive incidents involving her. Now he confesses that he loves her. I don’t doubt him; I’ve heard many young women do nothing but bitch about their boyfriends that they also love. What he tells me next is the most surprising bit, that they had been intimate. V. has been a virgin (by choice) and long refused to have any sexual relations. Now she asks S. to be her first. Naturally he obliges.
This apparently continued for a short time until V. finally confessed that it couldn’t continue as she was dating G., his brother. This came as a double blow as beyond the obvious of the familial relationship, G. had continually given S. poisoned whispers about V. S. listened to these whispers (always in the negative about V.) and as a result of them, continually declined to go with her to various functions. When S. finally revealed his feelings for her, she was somewhat surprised: he never wanted to do anything with her. And when he backed out, G. would go in his stead.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
The whole story does make it seem as if G. was setting his brother up the whole time for failure. It is possible that it is otherwise, but seems highly unlikely. Everything has now fallen into place and leaves me very disturbed.