Aug 06, 2009 18:22
Woodstock is 1348 days old
Blondie and Dagwood are 834 days old
I set myself the rather lofty goal of writing or typing two thousand words a day. The idea was that the two thousand could be anything: work on the website, writing a journal entry, typing up some of the stuff from The Black Book, writing a poem, etc. The idea was generated by the fact that my writing has seriously dropped off lately. And by “dropped off” I mean to say that my writing has dropped off to virtually nothing. This is a particularly frustrating situation given that my job has seriously taken a lot out of my will to write. I’ve reached the point where I no longer want to go to work and I no longer want to go to skating or training. Both are beginning to seem utterly pointless. This is a truly fantastic turn of events as these two things have pretty much become all I do.
I am supposed to be cleaning this house and doing minor repair work but after coming home from work the main things on my mind are eating an ice pop or two and pulling a Rip Van Winkle. Of course, on Wednesdays I have training for speed skating and on Thursdays I have practice for speed skating so I’m getting ready for those things in one form or another once I get home. On Fridays I start packing my things up so that I can make an easy getaway once I clock out on Saturday. (A typical Saturday after work is making that speedy getaway.) This leaves Mondays and Tuesdays. (Sundays-with the exception of training in Northbrook-are spent entirely in Hillside.) Given that there is training on Sunday, naturally there is training on Monday so that I don’t have any real days of rest seeing as how those are my two days off from work. And following in this trend when I get back from training on Monday all I really have energy for is passing out.
So now we come back to Tuesday. Tuesday is the only day I have where I don’t have an agenda after work. So yes, I should be kicking ass on Tuesdays. Sit down, take out an ice pop, get down to business. That, of course, only happens to a limited degree. It just goes to prove that I suck.
That last sentence is a hoot. Talk about understatement. I set the goal of two thousand words because it was a really high goal and I need to really kick myself in the ass and get back down to important work. Not that stupid stuff I get paid for. Real work. My work. But two thousand words is a lot to do in one day when you have a day job and it is painfully obvious that it is not going to happen today. I’ll be able to get a fourth of that done, maybe a little more, but nothing major. This was the first day so I’ll give myself a break. It is as they said back at Columbia: “writing is kinetic.” I find that once I’ve gotten started and that I’ve set my mind to doing it, it begins to get easier and easier. It’s like a steam locomotive or a boulder beginning to roll down a hill. (The steam locomotive comparison works, but I like the boulder one better as it discusses something going downhill. That’s everything for me; everything is going downhill.) The thing starts off slowly, begins to pick up a little speed, picks up a little more, and before you know it, the thing is blazing a trail into infinity.
If only my writing in The Black Book were going this well… For the past few months I’ve been trying to write in detail the events of my last day of my undergraduate studies. One day. Just one day. And I still haven’t finished. This is one of the main reasons why my writing has come to a standstill lately. I can’t write anything else in the book until that particular entry is finished. Truly finished, not some half-assed copout or some complete and utter caving in and giving up on it.
For whatever reason, I have not been able to finish it in one fell swoop. It should have been done ages ago and yet it isn’t. So I’ve decided that I need to force myself to come around and come back and I’ve circumvented The Black Book by doing this. That’s the idea. It isn’t “against the rules,” it’s the point. I needed to kick my own ass and get the website into full parallel again anyway.
So here I am and this is where I stand. I’ll just have to take what I can give for today and live with that. Which, I guess, should really be true for any day.