The Unacceptable Artwork of Audrey Kawasaki.

Aug 10, 2007 19:02

Awhile back, I posted about a bunch of artwork that I had saved on Photobucket getting deleted for violating their terms of service.
Now, this was work from Audrey Kawasaki. I had more of her art saved in the same album. A good amount of her work does deal with nudity and erotica, but nothing I posted was any worse than anything else I had seen hosted by Photobucket.
I guess some nudity is more kosher than others? It seems unfair, but by agreeing to the Photobucket terms of service when I signed up, there's nothing I can do but bitch and moan about the whole thing.
For giggles, I thought I'd try ImageShack (and see if they'll have any problems with them) and post the "unacceptable" pictures for anyone who might be interested in seeing them.

Again, I've seen so much worse on Photobucket... so I'm still confused.
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