
Aug 06, 2007 11:56

Is everyone afraid?
Is everyone ashamed?
They're running towards their holes to find out
Apocalyptic means are lost amongst our dead
A message to our friends to get out
There's wages on this fear
Oh so clear
Depends on what you'll pay to hear

They're bound to kill us all in whitewashed halls
Their jackals lick their paws

billy always says it better than i can ever dream of.
ive been trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with everybody lately
and i guess its just a reminder of how much people in general do suck, and i mean a big fat one

while at the same time its a reminder of how genuinely good people can be
it never ceases to amaze me...
the ebb and flow of friendships and shit talks...
not sure what im saying anymore
other than peoples idiocy never ceases to amaze me
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