Vol. 14 || Issue 6

Nov 27, 2005 15:01

Sorry, I've been really ill this past week.

Fandom News
- Henry Ian Cusick article and interview [theTimes]
- Adewale interview, and spoiler/speculation for upcoming eps [IndyStar]
- Rodriguez shows her grit as tough Lost chick [THNT.com ]
- Lost for words over ad breaks [EveningTimes.co.uk]

- Info: Cast members signing in the UK via jolaw

- Full 'Collision review [Darkworlds]
- Mini 'Collison' review [EW]

Download & Video
- 2x08 promo videos [US, Ca] via voodoo_in_tx
- Official podcast, including writer commentary, for 'Collision'[ABC]
- Ian Somerhalder in the trailer for Pulse [BlackFilm.com]
- More Evi interview footage from Entertainment Tonight [Lost-Media]

Pictures & Photography
- Michelle Rodriguez bikini pictures via sunkissed44
- Josh Holloway interview scans from TV Guide by xmeaghan
- Dom Monaghan interview scan by geshmally
- Foxy, Daniel scans from People Sexiest Men by corellianjedi
- 'Collision' HDTV caps [ImageEvent]

It Icons
- 51 'Collision' icons by lostdreamer56
- 29 'Collision' icons by islandblue
- 20 'Collision' icons by iamalreadyinuse
- 11 'Collision' icons by ieleni
- 10 'Collision' icons by agurkis
- 9 'Collision' icons by __overthemoon
- 6 Josh Holloway icons by gothic_nyx
- 6 Evi icons by lafemmedansrose

Theory & Speculation
- Musings: Similarity between Sawyer and Ana Lucia by yahtzee63
- Spoiler list [Spoilerfix]
- Spoilers: 'What katie Did' picstures via mlstr
- Speculation: Philisophical significance of oceanic by graceless_ghd
- Discussion: 'Collison' thoughts [TVGuide.com]

- Ana-Lucia icon contest at lost_icontest
- Kate icon contest at lost_stillness

Fandom Funny
- Lost numbers come up in lottery! via rainbowsaredumb

Have something you'd like to submit for next issue? Great, send it to lostnews@gmail.com or comment here!
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