well this is lauryn ashlees computer hacker and i am making this update for her cuz im cool like that yah well we have had a interesting weekend and here are some random pics! woot
ashlee drew this for me in the dentist waitng room its hot!
nicole was bored
nicole being more bored
year book page from last year dont look at me!
ma and aslees ids
ashlee thought ths was vinigar dumb blonde!! hahhaha
ashlees hot friend from camp ahahhhha i dont even kno this kid but its all good
me and ash from 57384578934 years ago
me and ash making our gorilla faces
andrew scares me! awwww
brandon lovees the camara!
nicole being a foxy chik
nicole and ian!
ashlee being a freak
the ice cream me and ash got at the ice cream shop
me and ashs tickets to the movie we saw at the lamy!
the money we used to buy the ice cream
the lady who sold us the ice cream!!!!! MY FAVORITE PIC!
ashs new kitty! so cute!
ashs hook up buddy ryan