Tillekian wine to Tillekian candidate

Sep 27, 2009 12:20

Who: Nakasha, D'kai, Mikhuth
What: D'kai collects one of the first candidates for Mickey's clutch while he's looking for a nice bottle of wine.
Where: Tillek Hold

Wet and windy are two almost constants for Tillek at this time of turn, and today is no exception: there's no gap in the clouds, and the courtyard is all but deserted accordingly. 'All but', because there's one figure trudging through the rain along the road that leads in to the courtyard, her head tipped up towards the rain with a most defiantly unimpressed expression. She must be in her mid to late teens, a tall girl with her coat left unbuttoned, and her head bare, drenched through.

Despite that damp and overcast sky, a dragon appears overhead from the bite of between; the bronze takes a lazy spiral down through the drizzle to a heavy landing in the courtyard, his rider ducking against the whipping wind and rain. "'Course it's raining," the man might be heard grumbling in annoyance, balling a gloved fist and thumping the bronze's shoulder. "All right, though. Not planning on staying." As he makes his swing down from the dragon's neck, he calls to the nearest person in sight -- namely, that tall girl -- "Oi! Uh, hello! A moment of your time, please?"

It's not that the tall girl doesn't notice the arrival of bronze and rider; indeed, her eyes narrow in upon the pair with instant interest that fades almost as quickly to outright disappointment, well before they actually reach the ground. Nonetheless, she looks surprised to be addressed, though not surprised that she can't cross the distance in long, easy strides, her head tilted up to consider him. "Can I help you?" she asks, then, polite enough despite the still-visible disappointment on her face, as she pushes a damp strand of hair away from her face. Beat. "Sir."

'Beautiful' is not a term often used to describe Nakasha, but there's nonetheless something appealing about her, primarily thanks to her radiant smile. The creamy, smooth-skinned oval of her face is surrounded by a cascading mess of warm blonde curls that have been cut somewhat unevenly at just above shoulder-length. Her dark blue eyes are too small for the shape of her face, and appear smaller still in comparison to the length and size of her nose and the plumpness of her cheeks. In body, she's more solid than slender, with long legs that make her taller than average; she's probably in her mid-to-late teens.

Her dark blue wool dress is simply made, with close-fitting sleeves that button just above the elbow, and a v-shaped neckline beneath which several decorative buttons have been sewn. The dress laces loosely down the back with a piece of dark cord, giving it shape about her mid-section before it falls loose to below her knees. Beneath, brown ankle-boots and shapeless, wrinkled brown stockings can be seen.

Whether or not the dragon and rider pair are a source of disappointment, the man is still looking for directions and when he shoves his riding goggles back into his curly blond hair, his grin his loose, wide and entirely affable. "Sorry, I won't be long. Hopefully you can?" His genial smile won't be shaken, despite that lingering expression of hers, and the rider says with the tone of one willing to admit he's entirely at a loss, "I'm looking for wine. Um. A good wine? A nice wine." A firm nod. Yes. That.

Is it the shoving away of the riding goggles, and that grin, that marks the moment when Nakasha (slowly, slowly) begins to look less sulky teenager and more-- what? Generally nice person? Her own smile broadens to match, lighting up an otherwise unremarkable face; "Not doing anything important, time's all yours. Wine, though?" It makes her look thoughtful, one hand resting on her hip, the other lingering on an escaping curl at her ear. "Not an /expert/ on it, I guess, but my father grows wine-- well, grapes, whatever, and my brother-in-law /makes/ it. Could say I'm obligated to point you in that direction, couldn't we?"

A-ha! The rider brightens further, and for her response he jabs his hand out at her, palm-up, as though an introduction was now expected, nay, compulsory. "Excellent! I'm D'kai, and that--" he jerks a thumb over his shoulder, where the bronze is stretching forward on tip-toe to whuff down at the pair of them, "-- is Mikhuth. Don't mind him." In case she does. Deke listens intently, blue eyes all wide, and then inclines his head sharply with a laugh. "Could say! And I trust you not to, you know, lead me astray, hmm?"

Nakasha's blue eyes shift their attention from D'kai to Mikhuth, and then back again, as she reaches out to take the proffered hand and shake it, firmly. "Kash," she introduces herself as. "Won't mind him at all. My brother," she sounds enormously pleased and proud, "is the Weyrleader of High Reaches. Used to big dragons, and I bet he's not nearly so playful as Cadejoth is." Shoulders straightening, her posture steadily becoming something more professional, sulkiness now completely gone, she assures him, "You can trust me. What's the wine for, something special?" Her head tips towards the winery; "This way. They sell it all at the cellar door."

"Kash," D'kai repeats the single syllable as though to ensure he got it right the first time. "Well met. Is he?" Eyebrows arch up, dutifully impressed, and Mikhuth shuffles in place, flexing his wings and shifting his weight, a half-hearted attempt at 'playful', perhaps. "Bet you're right. He's in a hurry to get back to Fort," the rider chuckles, glancing over his shoulder, and in reply to Nakasha's question comes the cheerful response: "his eggs were recently clutched. I was looking for something... celebratory, you know?"

Dragon> Amidst all that scuffing of bare feet on packed soil, the tromping of runner hooves and the crackle of scarves to the wind, comes Mikhuth's request, intent and fast and thickly accented, << somethin's amiss, boy. Keep 'er 'round, I wanter see what's it, yeah? >> (Mikhuth to D'kai)

"Kash," agrees the girl, firmly, conveniently ignoring the rest of her name. His reaction to who her brother is obviously pleases her, too, because that smile of hers grows broader still - and more amused, as her gaze catches Mikhuth's shuffling. Laughing; "He's sweet. And-- oh! Congratulations, then. Cadejoth's clutch is just about grown now, I think, but I remember how excited Kas was about it all. And Cadejoth, probably. Guess that is reason for a celebratory wine, then." As she begins to lead the way off towards the winery, she adds, glancing back at the bronze once more, "We'll be quick, promise. How many eggs?"

Dragon> To Mikhuth, D'kai replies shortly, half-paying attention, his focus moreso on the girl and his own thoughts swirling in distraction -- a nice wine a nice night maybe some nice legs -- that he only acknowledges with a, << sure, Mickey, sure. >>

D'kai moves his own feet in place, chuckling and looping his thumbs through his belt, a flash of delight on his own features. "Thank you! It's his second but he's no less excited for it," and matches her, pace-for-pace, as she heads off for the winery. "And it's not as though I know all that much about wine. Even one that doesn't taste like vinegar will do." It's a joke, at least, it was aimed as one, judging by the brilliant grin and laugh from the rider. "Fourteen! Which, considering it's Interval, 'spretty good. Think you'll make it by to see them?" Proudly.

Nakasha's fair brows raise, visibly impressed. "His second! All the more congratulations, then." She has to push her hair out of her face again, though at least the rain is softening a little, just in time for them to be heading towards the indoors, of course. "Could /never/ encourage anyone towards something that tasted like vinegar. My father would turn in his-- well, if he /had/ a grave? He'd turn in it. He's alive, though, so no chances of that." As they get to the winery, she weaves them past machinery and workers, towards the store at the side. "Fourteen, not bad. Cadejoth's had sixteen, but fourteen still sounds pretty good." The last question makes her hesitate. "/Wish/ I could. Do you know, my brother may be the /Weyrleader/, but I'm still not allowed to visit him. I'm /seventeen/, but no one will take me, for fear of her." Tragedy!

Just before the door closes on them, D'kai shades a hand over his eyes and peers back out into the rain, into the drizzle. Then: more laughter, bright and enthused as ever, for Kash's words. "Turning in his proverbial grave? Could just say he'd spit, or something. On the wine, if you wanted to go that far." Deke might pause here or there, lagging behind to admire all the inner workings and big oak barrels and such, but only a step or two behind so that he doesn't fall out of hearing range. "Wait--" a moment of confusion leads to a great crinkling of brows and squinting of eyes, "-- For fear of her?"

"He'd spit? Ooh, on the wine, too. Like that, much better than the whole proverbial grave thing. Going to keep it." The phrase, that is, presumably. Her head keeps darting back, glancing around to make sure he's keeping up, though amusement reigns at his obvious interest in the workings; /she/, evidently, is too well used to it all to much care. "Oh-- right. My mother, I mean. No one will take me because she says no. Of course," she continues, conversational, "When I say 'no one', what I really mean is 'my brother', because I don't really know any other riders." That's right about the point at which they reach the little store, where Nakasha very grandly tells the girl working there what they need. "One of the /good/ ones, Deline. It's for a celebration!"

"Much less clumsy that way, too," (the spitting, that is) "without all the mucking about explaining that your da isn't actually dead. And such." And so on and so forth. Tucking his hands in his pockets, D'kai rolls forward on the balls of his feet to sneak a better view of some very exciting business happening further beyond a countertop. "Your mother," Deke repeats with faint surprise, craning his neck around toward Nakasha. "She says you can't go visit your brother? That's a shame, really. Family's family, you know?" And then he flashes his very biggest and brightest smile at Deline. "A grand celebration! You're such a dear. -- and you, too. For your help."

Nakasha's nod is sharp, a determined agreement. "And probably more likely to offend my stuffy sister-in-law," is her more gleeful conclusion, eyes dancing merrily. "But that's only a bonus." Deline seems more than amenable to helping out with this particular transaction, turning around to fetch a bottle of the type Nakasha has named, setting it upon the counter with a flourish, all eyelashes and dimples for D'kai's approval. "I'm her baby," explains Nakasha, with a frown. "And a girl. It's not appropriate, she says, even though it's Kas' weyr, and I'd be perfectly safe and well looked after. He visits me, though, especially now that I'm here and not at home." She gives the bottle a brief inspection with her eyes, apparently finding it suitable, because she turns to the rider to add, "And you're most welcome. Gets pretty boring here, if I don't have interesting things to help out with."

Dragon> To D'kai, Mikhuth weaves back into D'kai's mind, the acrid tang of smoke persistent at the back of his lifemate's throat, harsh and unforgiving and insistent: << bring 'er bring 'er bring 'er! >>

Deke spends a moment fishing around in his pocket, and finally produces a handful of marks, carefully scrutinized and then doled out on to the counter with a wink and a tip of his head at Deline. "Ooh, ulterior motives! How devious of you. I'm sure the High Reaches are a daring and dangerous place for a young woman like yourself." After payment's been made, the rider scoops up the wine, peers closely at the label, and marks his approval with an airy wave of his hand. "It was a fine year for wine!" Whatever year it was. And then there's a long beat, silent on D'kai's behalf, as he sends a hard look at Nakasha, lips pursed. In explanation, he offers slowly and thoughtfully and with a sheepish grin, "Ah. Well, Kash. Would you, um, walk me back out to my dragon? I might get lost on the way back out."

Deline counts the marks carefully - you can't be too careful, of course, even with charming young bronzeriders - then accepts them, scooping them carefully into her till, along with enthusiastic words about how fine a vintage it is, and how, if he likes it, he should certainly come back for more. Kash is patient for that, mostly, and anyway, far too busy inserting her response on the wake of Deline's verbal diarrhoea: "Devious is like my other name, or so some people would tell you, and clearly, the High Reachians just can't be trusted." His silence draws a quizzical expression from the girl, whose brows raise, but the explanation wipes that away with an easy laugh. "/Lost/. Now you're playing with me. Be a pleasure, though, of course." Which is her cue to wave a cheerful - and, all right, slightly superior smirky - goodbye to Deline, then lead the way back out towards the courtyard.

Listening politely, if a bit distantly, to Deline's extolling of his wine-in-hand, D'kai parts with a blown kiss over one shoulder for the cashier and neatly tucks the bottle into an inside pocket in his heavy-lined jacket; the lumpy bulge earns a fond pat as the bronzerider observes wryly, "Oh, sure. And, you know, dragonriders. They're just plain /sketchy/. Shouldn't trust any of them." Surely, he must be playing her, but it's with a new purpose in his step that he trots after Kash out into the courtyard. Almost modestly, the rider says: "Now, here is the part where I admit /I've/ got a bit of an ulterior purpose. A devious one, if you will." Outside, Mikhuth is anxiously awaiting the pair of them, crouched low to the ground and his tail lashing, and when Deke and Nakasha step back out into the rain the dragon bundles himself all straight upright and huffs and snorts excitedly. "Ready for it?"

Deline's day? Made. And it's her turn to look entirely too superior after Nakasha's departing back, which, thankfully, the younger girl fails to notice in her determined efforts to get them back outside and to the courtyard. "Sketchy. Yes, precisely. Not as far as you can throw them. Can't blame my mother at all!" She's laughing as she says all that, but her laughter comes to a distinctly abrupt halt at the news of D'kai's own deviousness. Her brows go up, her hands sliding perhaps even unconsciously to her hips, gaze sliding towards Mikhuth and then back again to D'kai. "All ears."

Probably couldn't throw D'kai too far. Nonetheless, the man has a self-conscious little smile for Nakasha as he claps, once, and spreads his hands out towards the eager bronze dragon. "Hey! So. Listen. Considering, you know, Mickey's clutch on the sands, and how, uh. Eggs hatch into little baby dragons? And we need candidates for those eggs. And he's been niggling at me since we landed about you. Would you like to come to Fort and stand, Kash? I know it's not Reaches, but, hey! How about it?" Eyebrows perk upward, hopefully, and Mikhuth streeeetches out his head so that his breath might be able to tug at Kash's hair.

Nakasha probably 'gets' it about halfway through D'kai's little speech - at least, that's when her eyebrows fly up even further (if that's even possible) and her expression breaks into the most brilliant and excited grin yet. Mikhuth's breath on her hair makes her giggle, her whole body turning so that she can properly see him, though her gaze seems unable to decide which of the pair to rest on. Ultimately, she addresses D'kai: "Of /course/ I will. Why would anyone say no? Already said it was boring here, and... my mother can't argue, if it's for this reason." Beaming, beaming, beaming.

He'll have to work on that speech, if D'kai plans on collecting any more candidates for Mickey's clutch, but at least he didn't bungle this one so badly -- and she agreed, with conviction to boot! Her smiling makes him smile all the more; the two of them, so very happy! "All right!" It's almost as though D'kai goes for a high-five, but settles for another shake instead, if she'll accept it as his congratulations. "In that case! Did you want to, uh, get some things? We could come back for you, later, if you like, so you have time to settle your affairs and such, but I'd be happy to wait, too. Whichever works best for you, candidate."

Nakasha would probably have gone for the high-five, but a shake it is, her grip firmer than ever. Being called 'candidate' makes her straighten her shoulders ever so much more, all pure delight. There's certainly a dance to her step as she takes her hand back, hesitating for a moment as her gaze slides off towards the main hold. "If you'll wait? It won't take long, I promise, since I've only been visiting here anyway, and I can just leave a note for my brother and sister-in-law, so that won't take long either..." She looks as though she's about to dart away right there and then, but hesitates, turning back, to add, "I'm sure you could wait inside if you wanted? But truly, I won't be long at all."

"Of course, of course!" D'kai is all zest and energy, constant motion now that she's agreed and Mikhuth behind him is arching his neck and folding and unfolding his wings, flexing his talons into the dirt underfoot and making quiet noises of happiness. "Take your time, Kash." Deke wrinkles his nose, then says: "Well. So long as it doesn't take you well into the night! Yes. I'll be here! Off with you, then!" The rider makes shooing motions with his hands, off at the main hold, and when she turns to look at him Deke's got a wink for her, too. "Go, then! I've got my wine to keep me company if it gets /too/ unbearable out here."

Nakasha's got just one more thing to say, then, before she disappears into the hold at a run: "You riders! All drunks." True to her word, she's not gone for all that long, returning a time later with a carrysack over her shoulder. At some point, she's also taken a comb to her hair, which is dryer, and also frizzier, and added a scarf and gloves to her attire. Eyes dancing, as she approaches the pair, she announces, "Almost wish I /was/ going to be there to see them get that note. They're going to die! Too much fun. Anyway, think I'm ready, now."

Fortunately -- for both their sakes -- D'kai doesn't have to break open the wine quite yet, although by the time she's returned he's got it in hand and he's squinting hard at the neat lettering. Blue eyes refocus past the bottle when Nakasha reappears, and the rider chuckles as he tucks the wine back into his coat, asking, "Sure you'll trust a drunk to escort you all the way back to the weyr?" Granted, it would be Mikhuth doing the actual escorting, and by the time Deke blinks up at his lifemate, the bronze has crouched down to the ground in anticipation of his riders. "To be a fly on the wall, eh? Ready? Yeah? Hey, need a hand up, or...?"

Nakasha's eyes only traipse towards the seal on the bottle for a moment before she declares, "I've yet to meet anyone who'd really put their own hide in danger like that; I trust you." Brave words, though her beaming grin (still!) hardly implies that she's taking the danger seriously in the first place. She considers Mikhuth for a long moment before approaching closer, offering her bag towards his rider: "If you can pass that up to me, I think I can manage. It's hard to tell, but I don't think Mikhuth is any /bigger/ than Cadejoth, and I manage him pretty well by now."

"Wouldn't risk my hide, your hide," D'kai quirks a grin, "or, most importantly, Mikhuth's hide, surely! But if I were you, I wouldn't trust me." His serious frown can last only a beat before it dissolves into laughter and accepts Nakasha's rucksack, tucking it neatly under one arm with a roguish salute. "Of course, my lady! Please, after you." Stepping forward, Deke offers his hand up to her even as the dragon nudges a forearm out, helpfully, and nuzzles back toward Kash with a pleased little rumble.

"Pity that, because if you're really as untrustworthy as all that... I suppose I might be in some amount of trouble," laughs Nakasha, eyes focused intently upon the bronzerider as her lips draw together into a pleased kind of smirk. As he takes her bag, she executes a fairly uneven curtsey, then turns gamely towards Mikhuth to commence her climb, though before she manages that much, she has to laugh again, reaching out to rub gently at his muzzle. "Thank you, Mikhuth. Promise: I'll do you proud, if I can." This said, she doesn't linger, accepting D'kai's hand to help her climb her way up, her relatively easy progress indication enough that she speaks the truth about previous experience in dragon-mounting.

Round-eyed, directed up at Nakasha with an innocently entirely feigned, D'kai intones, "Remember: no further than you could throw me." Gaze tracking her progress up to Mikhuth's neck-ridges is primarily concerned, of course, although one must admit the view from below isn't bad either. Huffing a noise suspiciously similar to a laugh and shifting once or twice to best rebalance the girl's weight as she makes the climb, (he's "helping", naturally) Mikhuth falls still once she's made it to his neck so that D'kai, with a smooth, practised motion, can hop-skip-swing and settle neatly in place behind Kash. "There! How's the view? All settled in?" The rider runs quick through the process of checking the straps, petting his cargo -- though not Nakasha -- and ensuring everything's secure. "You're ready? You're an old pro at this, though, right?"

Nakasha's head turns back as she climbs to deliver, sadly, "That's not very far at all, then. Tragedy. Probably, my mother would be quite right to warn me off dragonriders like that." Which is said with an expression far too cheeky - that wicked grin - to even vaguely resemble innocence. She pulls at a glove to rest her bare hand on Mikhuth for just a moment as D'kai climbs up, though it's replaced soon after that as she promises, "The view is lovely, and I think I'm all good." Pity he /doesn't/ pet her; it's not as though she's not making eyes, as close as they now are. "Old pro, that's me. Onwards!"

Mothers, pah! What do they know? "Quite right, quite right," D'kai echoes brightly, returning her grin with one in kind, although the touch he does offer is light enough and a simple weight of his gloved hand on her shoulder. "All right! Hold on tight, then!" And then it's lift-off! Mikhuth does his best for a smooth backwinging leap, launching upward though surely Nakasha will forgive him if the bronze does a tight, quick loop around the courtyard and dip his wings sharply to one side before climbing high, higher, highest, and with only a warning breath from D'kai -- "to Fort!" -- do they disappear /between/.

Nakasha allows herself one more warm smile at D'kai before she turns around again, holding on, and despite herself, leaning forward in visible excitement to catch the view as they take off. "Good bye Tillek," she yells, as Mikhuth indulges herself; she's far from complaining, visibly exhilarating in the flight. "Won't miss you!" Despite this, there's a sharp intake of breath from the girl before black and cold overtakes them, and Tillek is left far, far behind.

Black -- blacker -- blackest. It lasts only as long as it is meant to, and then Fort Weyr is spreading below; the darkness of the evening is broken by the warmth of glows from within weyrs nearby, and the occasional speckle of colour or movement in the bowl. "Welcome," D'kai announces in Nakasha's ear over the rush of the wind, of Mikhuth's steep descent and sudden flaring of wings, "to Fort! It's only autumn yet, but I hope you brought some warm clothes with you." Then Mickey has landed, a touching down made graceful by consideration for Kash. "It's late, so I'll show you the barracks first, and then tomorrow the headwoman will give you the official tour and such. Sound good?"

Nakasha can't help it: as Fort appears below them, spread out in the dark as it is, she lets out a little 'oh' sound, caught without words for the first time since she ran into D'kai. "It's beautiful," she tells him, lifting her voice to combat the wind, darting her head around so that - again and again and again - she can grin at him. "Reckon I'll be all right. For clothes. Right, barracks first, that makes sense. Lead on?" She can't keep her attention in one place for more than a few seconds, gaze darting this way and that with delighted fascination.

D'kai beams, simply beams, back at Nakasha, for both her silence and her reaction. "Isn't it?" The bronzerider motions for her to make her decent first, with a hand held out to her in aid if she would so require it, but with the other broadly indicates the eve-darkened bowl. "It's nicer in the day when, you know. You can see things." His breathless chuckle rings blithely with no regard for the nighttime, and once everything's collected and in hand, Nakasha's bag safe back in her possession, D'kai arrows for the arching door leading into the inner cavern, chatting as he goes, "From here, you can get to the infirmary, the lake. The weyrleader's weyr are right up there, and. Uh. Feeding grounds are that way, so if you're particularly squeamish, I'd avoid it."

Nakasha accepts the assistance of that hand, though she almost might as well have simply jumped the distance down, her scramble one of haste, her sigh as she reaches solid ground one of pleasure - not relief. She slings her bag back over her shoulders, letting her gaze follow D'kai's with visible interest. "Bet it is. Better by daylight, I mean. Less rain than Tillek, too, I bet? That'll be nice." She extends her stride to carry herself after him, noting, merrily, "Might have to get used to the feeding grounds, though, right? If. So. Even if I am. 'm going to get lost for a little while, aren't I? It's huge!"

"/Yes/," D'kai concurs wholeheartedly, on the subject of getting lost, and casts a wide flash of teeth back towards Nakasha. "And less rainy, too," he'll concede a little less adamantly, tipping his head back so that he can gaze up at the sky, feet still carrying him across the bowl. "Lots of snow in the winter, but. I don't think about that. -- suppose that's true enough. And if you can get past the sheer grossness of it, it's kind of neat to watch them feeding." By now, Mikhuth is two whirling eyes in the dark, and quickly enough D'kai is holding open the door into the weyr proper for Nakasha, and for a second his attention wanders. "He says good night, Kash. And that it was his pleasure."

"You speak from experience, then," laughs Nakasha, in the wake of that wholehearted agreement. "I don't mind snow. Admittedly, we didn't get /that/ much at home, but I don't mind it. Rain, though... Tillek was depressing." Her expression suggests she's not entirely sure on the 'neat'ness of watching dragons feed, but nor is she likely to run away screaming, even if for now, she keeps her gaze more firmly upon the weyr itself. She turns back, before stepping through that door, to look across the bowl at Mikhuth; she smiles. "Good night to you, too. Mikhuth. And thank you. Truly, honestly, thank you. Won't forget it." Hardly. And then, inside, her head held high.

Ushering Kash inside, saying, "Well, it might be hard to believe, but once, many long summers ago, I too was a candidate just like yourself," D'kai is quick to tug off his heavy jacket, careful to wrap his wine in the crook of his arm as he goes. "No, definitely not that much rain. Promise." His pale blue eyes search out Nakasha's darker ones: his reply is a genuine and honest, "it was my privilege, honest. I'm /glad/ to have you standing for his eggs." Then, with a sketched bow: "This way, please, candidate."

Nakasha's reply comes laced with mock disbelief; "No! Not you!" And: "Can't have been /too/ many summers ago, though, surely." That's with a meaningful glance up and down the bronzerider; not decrepit yet, her expression says. She's more serious, though not in a way that stops her from looking pleased, as she answers the last; "Good. I'm glad. Hope..." She breaks off from that, simply to smile, to echo his bow in her awkward curtsey, then to follow him on through the caverns. Wide eyed: "I really am going to get hopelessly lost."

If Kash is so intent on looking him up and down, D'kai will just have to accept it, even standing a little straighter and lifting his chin for her inspection. The effect is somewhat lost by the tongue poking out of his mouth in thought, and he eventually announces, "Coming up on five turns now, I think. So I'm not about to start sprouting grey hair and using a cane... /yet/." How ominous! Regardless, once they've navigated their way through the hallways and doorways, the bronzerider offers the empty barracks a long look at Nakasha and visa versa. "There! Pick your preference." The cots are almost all empty, for now, but they'll be filling up soon enough. "You'll get used to it. You'll have to! Think you can manage from here?"

The presence of that tongue makes Nakasha laugh, but doesn't seem to have otherwise altered her impression of him, whatever that might actually be. "Five turns," she muses, interested. "No, you're right, I think you've still one or two good turns left. If you're lucky, look after yourself, all that." She gives the barracks, when they arrive, almost as considering a look as D'kai got, hefting her bag carefully before she turns back to nod once more. "Guess I will! Fancy. Never lived somewhere with none of my family around before; it'll be exciting. Think I can, though, yes." She's determined to, it looks like. "Good night, D'kai. And-- again: thank you."

"Couple turns in me left. I'll keep washing behind my ears every morning, maybe have a bit longer." If his intent is to make her laugh, aided by the sly, playful look he sends Kash out of the corner of his eyes; D'kai is ever-gracious, however, and indicates the barracks at large with a sweep of his hand. "Oh, don't worry. You won't be lonely for long, so you might want to enjoy the peace and quiet while you can." Advice that sounds like it's coming from experience, and now D'kai moves to take his leave, lifting two fingers in a lazy salute. "Good night, Kash. Sleep well! You are so very, very welcome." And with that: exit D'kai, stage right.

!candidates, mikhuth, nakasha, ^riding search

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