I've been obsessed with the pretty lately. I think it's the improved view in the mirror*, the shiny magazines, my new and inspiring co-workers; everything around me is conspiring to make me desire the pretty! If you have a pretty you've been eyeing lately, now is the time to show it to me. Of particular interest are inexpensive artists whose art you want me to buy and shiny shoes. I know! I am such a magpie.
Something that isn't so much pretty but very inspiring: how crowded is my dogpark in summer! with every snowflake of the California rainbow! Everyone is special and important, even the dudes who try and bark at my dog to get my attention. Of particular pride is the time I snapped, "so, you speak dog?" to one such admirer and got all his friends to do that "oooooh burrrrrned" noise at him. Mama's still got it, yo, don't mess! I have slowly been forcing Mia to sit quietly while little kidlets pet her head gently, gently, "no morder, es timido!" Ahhh, Los Angeles.
Speaking of the summer, Tim and I recently returned from our vacation in DC and New York. We toured all the hot-spots, including the White House! I felt very learned afterwards...my Poli Sci ego swelled a bit...but my hypothetical puffy-chest soon was deflated as we entered New York. Being the idealist California Girl I am, the city of Manhattan was quick to frighten and over-stimulate my poor little mind. Don't misunderstand me--I did appreciate the city--but I do prefer my San Fernando Valley with all of it's traffic and not-so-crowded sidewalks. I love to travel (even if it is to a smelly city,) but most of all, I love spending quality time with my Tim.
*I've lost some weight. Let us not talk about it until later. Okay!