Borders guy: a love story(?) UPDATE: HOLY SHIT!

Feb 28, 2009 13:52

OKAY! So, about 2 years ago I went into the Borders at the Northridge Mall with nothing on my mind except Kurt Vonnegut. I walked into the store and asked one of the employees about their selection, and ended up having an hour or two-long conversation about books, philosophy, and general shit. He was very interesting, and not to mention, quite attractive! He helped me pick out Galapagos and Cats Cradle, both of which are excellent reads! Anyway, since then, I have seen him working almost every time I pass through the store. We make eye-contact and then look away; I have since wondered whether or not he even remembered our conversation.

Two days ago, I went into the store to buy Utopia for my class, and could not decide between the two translations. He was at the counter, along with another checker, and I puddled around until he was free so that I could go to him, and not the other. He advised the Penguin edition, so I bought it. I happily left the store-- but not without glancing at his name-tag. Terin.

Yesterday, I bought He's Just Not Into You, and we saw eachother yet again. We made eye-contact, and I smiled at him. He waved. I saw his name tag again. Terin.

This morning, I woke up and my first thought was: Terin. I lept out of bed and found him on facebook. In my adding request, I said something like "I've been debating on whether or not to add you, and have decided that the creepiness factor is > the amount necessary for not adding you. ::shifty eyes::"

His response made me so school-girl giggly that I want to punch myself:

"Who are you? Do I know you? Didn't we volunteer together at the local McCain/Palin office? What a disappointment, huh?
No no, of course I know who you are, and this certainly is an unexpected surprise. I, too, must admit that I've toyed with the idea of adding you - but it just seemed a little too odd. Besides, I rather enjoy our brief encounters at Borders filled with halted conversation and mysterious glances. (?!) So I'm glad that you made the first move and identified yourself as a stalker. Thanks!
That being said, I always wanted to talk to you more after that first time we hit it off, but I'm always busy, or you're with someone, or you had your boyfriend with you (would have been interesting). Out of everyone I've met at that store, I've always thought that you were by far the most interesting."


UPDATE! My response:

You had me worried for a moment-- 'Who are you? Do I know you?' was the excerpt that facebook used as your subject line. ::wipes sweat from brow::
I am pleased to know that I was not the only one allured by our awkward convergences and (definitely) mysterious glances. I always find myself hoping to run into you whenever I am at your store; I think about our first conversation every time I see you, and have wondered if you even remember my face.
Thankfully, you do! How terribly uncomfortable would it have been if your subject line was your entire reply!? It's relieving to know that we are both stalkers; now we have even more in common.

Finding something truly interesting to say in these silly facebook messages is always challenging. You're always thinking more about what the other person is going to say when they write back and don't really care about the crap that you're writing to them.
So I won't dance around the real issue at hand any longer (Besides, I only Salsa). Would you want to meet up sometime and get a drink or something? I'm sure we'll have plenty to tell each other since our last real conversation, and if we don't... well then that's why there would be booze present. And if you don't want to, then another year of hopeful visits to Borders and mysterious glances is something I would gladly settle for.

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