dreamt of eric and seth

Aug 19, 2007 09:40

i just had thesweetes most wonderful twisting a knife in the soul dream.

was dreaming i signed back onto aim and was talking wihtsomneone who brought eric online.
and found thre has been internet troubles and had lost all the info. then hecame down andf brought seth with him. i just want to cry now. they were talking about buying a house down here and i got to HUG them. then i woke up. funny part is before i realized it was a dream i wanted mikheal to meet them and vice versa.

i had also found out a day or so ago that all of my old email accounts had been reset. i lost almosty all of my stuff from when i was with seth and eric. i now only have the one cd. it had the picsture which were the most important. but i will miss the surveys i had from them.

i deserve this. i still need to find sarah and hand her the bat to break my bones with.
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