It has been a looooooong week.
I believe the last time I wrote was before my Facebook interviews, and I haven't had the energy to convert thought to coherent sentences since. Interviews are exhausting, in that you're meeting new people, pulling in information boatload, presenting yourself in an attractive way, desperately trying to not screw up (but not obviously so), while exercising the brain matter that stores all you know about your field.
My Google interviews on Tuesday ended at 2pm. I had originally planned on making my way back to SF, to hang out with
crypticdragon and friends some more. Sadly, my brain was in no mood for it. I ended up first attempting to see the Computer History Museum, which was closed, then dashing off to the Hotel for a much needed nap. I emerged only to go get a delicious New York Steak that I could use up the rest of my food budget for the day.
Wednesday was travel day. I managed to get some chunks of assignments done on the plane which I submitted to the test servers when I had a layover in Charlotte. I discovered quickly that the airport had a Cinnabon, so I ate dinner ASAP so I would have room to indulge when before my flight. It was a 3 hours layover so I had time to digest a bit.
One brief bit of excitement though, I had lost my boarding pass between deplaning from my first flight to making my way to the boarding lounge for my second. I checked everywhere and then resorted to asking the nearest US Airways gate attendant for help. A glance at my passport and confirmation of my destination was all that was needed to print out a new boarding pass. *whew* I was worried about proving the security implications of my being without a boarding pass but behind security. I had resolved that no matter what, I could prove I had been on my previous flight by means of my boarding pass stub. This was corroborated by my itinerary and my identity would be easy to prove given my laptop (with a bajillion pictures of myself), my passport, and a wallet full of things with my name on it. Fortunately it didn't come to that, and the attendant remarked that this happens sometimes.
My excitement isn't quite over yet. I still have my trip to Seattle. BTW if you're in Seattle, and want to meet up for dinner, I land at about 7:30 in Sea-Tac (AC 541) on Sunday and would be up for some dinner. Monday night also works though I don't know what time Microsoft will let me loose.
I don't have any word from either Google or Facebook just yet. Google will try and get back to me by Tuesday evening, while I have no estimate from Facebook at this time. Probably about the same.
Tonight, I'm likely going to read Anathem on my Kindle some more, then go to bed early. I'm still quite tired, but I suspect that by tomorrow I'll be right as rain!
Oh yes. It turns out that I do still remember how to drive! I had my pre-G1 exit test review lesson today. I haven't driven in 6 months, yet I was able to pick things up smoothly. I don't have the knack to talk and drive just yet, as I noticed that it was only when I was speaking I was making gross errors. Fortunately, I won't be having an elaborate conversation during the test.
Back to my book. Night!