I've been busy!

Oct 03, 2010 13:36

There's been climbing, parkour, hanging out with Kelly, frisbee, and biking, and walking, and team drinking night, and going to a Lunasa concert.

Last sunday featured the set up for a D&D game I'm getting in on. I'm going for the slightly boring route of playing Jared Frantil, the Human Bard once more. I had such a short time as him previously, and he was fun to play, so I do not think I'm through with him yet. If ever I get tired of him I'm sure he can be killed off in some spectacular manner and I can come back as one of his relatives in a different roll. Or spawn some crazy side quest. One or the other.

Work is coming along very nicely. :) My changes are getting bigger and I feel that my coding is improved. This sprint (a two week period in which to complete tasks, for planning purposes) I'm mostly improving test coverage of our code, which means reduced manual testing later. The flow is coming and I'm beginning to have more energy for doing things on my computer outside of work. I'll probably work on my ray tracer further.

I'm on call till the 15th. If I were at Amazon, this would be the most horrible of things. But so far this weekend I've gotten no pages though I'm keeping my corp laptop and (my shiny new EVO 4g Android) phone handy just in case I might need to do something. I suspect it'll stay quiet all weekend.

As a favour for those on call, I have requested and obtained a fully Google paid phone. It's all nice and shiny. My old phone was akin to the computers used to get to the moon, while this one could probably launch the shuttle by itself. It's that much of a leap. I'm still getting used to it, though I much prefer it's abilities to my old prepaid deally. I'm debating wiping it and installing Android 2.2 (Froyo) clean onto it and building it's application reserve from scratch. I may as well experience what the preloaded stuff has to offer though. I shall probably review it more completely later on as I've never used Android so dedicatedly before. This is my first smartphone.

Two weeks ago in a fit of idle creativity I received the usual call for mathNEWS writers. Since I wasn't doing anything else, I opted to write some of my usual horrid tripe. It apparently pleased the editors and they sent me a photo of my pizza for the contribution.
I just read the issue from that fortnight and I was impressed. They have a solid crew this term and I wish them the best. I may end up writing more of my nonsense for the coming issue, if only for my own amusement.

This past week has been awesome and I'm very happy about that. ;)
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