Updated: May 03,2010
Applies to:
sky_charmed Name: Penelope Ann Turner
Age: Nineteen
Birthday: March 20th
Height: 5'3
Weight: 128lbs (Petite Build)
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Hair Color: Dark Black
Personality:Penelope is an odd child. She's spunky at times; but has her quiet moments. She doesn't come off as ditsy. Though she does dumb herself down most of the time. Penelope is a photography student. She hopes to publish her photos in magazines one day. Although; some of her favorite places to photograph such as old 'haunted' houses and cemeteries may strike some as odd. Not if you know her though; she's been traipsing over these places since she was a small girl. She does study different phenomenon such as the presence of witches, demons. Battle for good vs evil; things of this nature. Never knowing why it was such a draw for her she's simply gave in from the beginning and studied.
She can very much be the girlie-girl and is usually dressed that way. But Penelope is not afraid to get dirty; or get her pretty clothes dirty. She'll climb right into the mess and fray quicker than most. Curiosity always was a pain in the neck for it; leading to more than one troublesome adventure in her child-hood. Adaptability is another personality trait she has. She tends to call people by nick-names i.e 'Sweet-stuff', 'darling' etc. Penelope is the crazy girl who likes to dance around randomly to songs.
Yet she's just as content to curl up with a good book. A straight A student in all her subjects; her mind never wanders far from her art. Despite all the frightening new developments in her life; it's one thing that's remained true. A loyal, compassionate friend. Once in her inner-circle the girl will face down anything in her friend's way to keep them safe. She hates red jelly-beans, likes meeting new people. A fairly decent cook; you won't starve and it might actually taste good. Depending on your attitude will depend how she responds.
Penelope is not a fan of big-egos or full of themselves types. And she is definitely not afraid to tell them so. Quick-witted, there are many layers in the end compiling to make one spunky, head-strong young woman; who's just trying to live life like normal. Since she still believes she's just a human. Trying to become famous as a photographer. On the out-side she is all bubbles and confidence. Underneath Penelope is a bit more unconfident; worrying over things. Though she always keeps this to herself; guarded even if there is no outward show of it.
Background:March 20th a rainy California night in which a young couple brought their first child into the world in a back alley. The location to be exact was San Francisco; the mother had a few strange abilities. As did the father; to the people who sought to use them for their own gain--that child was the ultimate possession. They'd pay a hefty price if they knew of her existence. Sacrifices must be made; within hours of her birth the nameless babe was placed on the door-step of a local orphanage. The birth parents leaving not only the state; but country before the birth could be discovered. Taking the threat with them; while the nun's attended to their newborn baby girl. They'd left only one request behind; that the baby be given the surname Turner. If this was adhered to through-out her life; even after adoption money would be funneled to the orphanage then foster parents for her up-keep.
As such the nun's named the young baby Penelope Turner. Three months passed with Penelope proving to be an exceptional young baby, never fussy. It was almost easy to forget she was around as other than the necessities she made no inclination of needing more. One day Maxine and Dale McGillin came to adopt their twelfth child; both were immediately taken with Penelope. Deciding immediately to take her home and make her a part of their large family. The couple who had made a life's work of taking in orphaned children raised Penelope as if she were their own. Though, the extra money was too much of a temptation so the young girl kept her last name. She settled easily into life at the bustling McGillin household. Life passed in a normal child-hood fashion; family BBQ's, picnics, baseball games--so on and so forth without any major events. Other than the addition of three younger 'siblings' until Penelope turned five.
One her fifth birthday; her eldest 'brother' purchased a throw-away camera for the young girl to use during her party. It was love at first click for Penelope; even at that age she showed a talent for capturing something extra in her shots. A talent that only grew as she did. This birthday is significant as well because the new neighbors arrived with their daughter Dru. This was to be Penelope's first friend outside of her 'siblings' and remains her best even in her older years.
After that day Penelope was always with a camera in hand; photographing anything and everything she could. Dru in tow, the two gallivanted all over both families property. As they grew and their boundaries did Penelope began to drag Dru with her to the local cemetery. Spending hours either snapping photos of Dru wandering the graves; or the graves themselves. These were her favorite days and memories. Her adolescence and early teen years passed in this fashion. Lazy California days, going to school. Taking pictures and spending time with her family and Dru. Once in High School the girls group of friends grew to include a few of the more 'out-cast' crowd; simply because Penelope detested large egos and cockiness.
At the age of fifteen Penelope began to suffer migraines. They were mild at first; but as it progressed they became more intense. Her parents unsure what was wrong had her examined time and again. The doctor's always sighted stress as the factor causing theses headaches. That had become almost crippling to the young girl; leaving her in her bed suffering what she believed were hallucinations. Never revealing them to anyone; she didn't want them to think she was crazy. This was the awakening of her powers beginning. Without her actual parents; she had no way of knowing what was happening.
A year later the headaches suddenly slowed; the hallucinations as well or so she thought. That is till she realizes that when she does suffer the headaches the next night she suffers a 'nightmare'. Ones that eerily resemble her 'hallucinations'; faces she doesn't recognize. In horrible situations in which she can not save them. The date was always shown; an upcoming date. Never a previous date; this stuck out in Dru's mind. For the next three years things continued on this way.
On her nineteenth birthday everything changes. She woke with the beginning feelings of one of her headaches; as her feet hit the floor she inadvertently touches the nightstand. Touch barely grazing across her younger 'sister's' hair-ribbon there. She is suddenly flooded with pain; the force of the images that fill Penelope's mind crumple the girl to the floor in agony. The pain rips through her mind as she sees her younger 'sister'; the newspaper on the coffee table says the next day's date. In the next instant there is her 'sister' riding her bike; a flash and a car swerves out of control over the curve. Crushing the young child under the tires as Penelope could do no more than scream in silent terror. As the pain passes Penelope struggles to her feet and makes it to the bathroom. The only thing she knows; somehow she has to stop this from happening. She has to save her 'sister'; was it really going to happen? She couldn't risk it; but telling anyone was out of the question. They'd lock her away for sure.
The following day arrives; Penelope offers to watch her 'sister' while she rides her bike. She tries to stay as close as she can; a stray cat getting under feet tumbles the young woman to her bottom. In stunned horror Penelope watches as the 'vision' from the day before begins to unfold. Panicked all she can do is imagine herself at her 'sister's' side; saving her as she tries to rush to her feet. In that moment; the world around her turns into a gray mass. Thinking she's going to pass out Penelope is shocked to open her eyes; finding herself doing just what she'd imagined. Grabbing her younger 'sibling' in the nick of time. Just barely saving the child's life; in a relieved state Penelope realizes there is something different about her. Something no one in her current home can help her with; as such she begins to research secretively. Coming up with nothing; she worries these new developments could put her 'family' at risk if they knew. Dru too. so Penelope tells them all she wants to travel alone. See the world; photograph everything. So she can build her portfolio to become famous. In a few weeks time the young woman sets off; doing just as she told her 'family' and friends. She also secretly searches for anyone who can help her understand and control what's happening to her.
Abilities: Teleportation: Penelope is able to move from dimensions or through spaces. Such as one side of the room to the other. Her current skill level in this is complete beginner. It's a real hit and miss; accidental type happening at present. Precognition: This manifests as either dreams or a sudden revealing of a future event from touching an object related to the person. They give Penelope headaches; when they happen from the 'visions' rather than dreams they leave her incapacitated and in pain through the duration. Unaware of her surroundings; as if she's actually living the event. A date is always revealed; once she learns to understand and control this. That will obviously come in handy. For now her skill level in this 'power' would be beginner. Pyrokenesis: (This is at current an undiscovered ability; it comes as she matures.) This ability allows Penelope to harness the fire element in the beginning stages it will be erratic; unable to exactly pin-point her target. As she develops it will advance to the point that she can even harness a small ball of fire in her hand to throw like a baseball.