haha. On the phone with Weezo. (Laurie). People dont even consider us two people anymore. My friend texts me and is like 'what are yu's doin?'. "yu's?" .. um.. we're not ALWAYS together. haha, most of the time..but not always. We're starting to do really freaky things though. haha. for instance, laurie was ready to ask for her purse and i
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What Would You Do If
I cried: I'd cry with you
I asked you to help: I'd help
I was becoming suicidal: I'd prove to you that there's more to life than you think.
I killed myself: Can't do anything about that, can i... I'd convince myself that you gave up too easy and it's not your fault..
I died from natural causes: I'd be devastated.
I said I liked you: I'd be in tears of happiness.
I kissed you: I'd knock you out.
I started smoking: Get you to quit.
I stole something: Make you realize how wrong it is.
I was hospitalized: Be there for you everyday.
I ran away from home: Run after you.
I got in a fight and you were there: Take you away from the fight. It's not worth your time.
What Do You Think About My
Personality: Well I convince myself that it's your age.. =) .. More mature than those your age.. but a bit hung-up on things goin on.. not realizing that many of these things don't matter..
Eyes: Beautious.. better than brown like my fat eyeballs
Face: Beautious 2.. except the MAKEUP.. kidding.. the makeup is beautious also..
Hair: Perfect all the time.. but I wish you'd actually curl it like a hairdresser would.. because it would be even more beautious then.
Clothes: Puh-lease.. compared to my outfits, they ain't nothin.
Voice: I don't really hear ya sing anymore.
Humor: 1/2 and 1/2.. I am the same way.
Choice of music: Emo Punk Country Whatever one may desire
Mannerisms: hahaha --- riiight
Family: Is dem der fightin werds?? Closer than most..
Would You
Be my friend: Nope
Tell me the truth, no matter what: Absolutely
Lie to make me feel better: Nope
Spread rumors about me: Nope
Keep a secret if I told you one: Nothing really to tell.. Your friends aren't my friends so it doesn't matter.. i would most likely forget in 5 minutes..
Loan me some cash: yeah
Hold my hand: if need be .. if someone died
Take a bullet for me: Absolutely
Keep in touch: Surely
Try and solve my problems: Occasionally.. sometimes one must learn on his/her own
Love me: Absotively posilutely
Do me: Negative
1. Who are you? It's a secret. Cuz you know.
2. Are we friends? Nope
3. When and how did we meet? El familio
4. How have I affected you? You convince me not to speak at all.
5. What do you think of me? I am not here to judge. There are many things I don't know about you.
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? You had very white and curly hair when you were a wee little lad.
7. How long do you think we will be friends? I'm not your friend. Duh.
8. Do you love me? Absolutely Yes Sure FIIINE I do
9. Do you have a crush on me? A wee little bit.. (it's the bum factor)
10. Would you kiss me? Ur gay, you gotta b
11. Would you hug me? Yup
12. Physically, what stands out? I told u it was the bum factor
13. Emotionally, what stands out? Self-involvement
14. Do you wish I was cooler? I'm not el coolio.. and i like it
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? -7,462
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: Coffee head.. it's a secret why i picked it silly -- um no really.. The Child.. because we're still learning..
17. Am I loveable? Sure - by a horny guy
18. How long have you known me? your whole life
19. Describe me in one word: Liz - ha i got you
20. What was your first impression? whoa - it's a baby
21. Do you still think that way about me now? lol yeah
22. What do you think my weakness is? Men - i must say that you take after me with that
23. Do you think I'll get married? Yes
24. What makes me happy? all the wrong things =).. except Jerrrrsey
25. What makes me sad? Adam
26. What reminds you of me? Katie lol
27. If you could give me anything what would it be? a hug.. no material possession can ever account for love.
28. How well do you know me? I'm not sure. I only know what you let me know.
29. When's the last time you saw me? About 10 minutes ago.
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yeah
31. Do you think I could kill someone? No.
32. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you? Nope.
I'm out. Later <3
yur answers explain the reasons i love you so much :-).
Night Sis. <3
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