Dec 21, 2008 08:13
I really had a lot of fun yesterday!
Unlike most school systems, we have school today and tomorrow (I know. Insane, right?). I even have two tests on Monday, and I know some teachers that are planning to give quizzes on Tuesday.
But enough of that. Today I'm talking about CHRISTMAS SHOPPING.
I started looking through newspaper ads to see if I could find some things for my grandmother (my sister and I wanted to buy her a gift together). I found some good deals, but nothing really eye catching.
Then I found advertisement for the World Market store. I screamed when I saw the front of the ad, advertising some british 'Crackers', a cherished tradition for the British.
So, after my sister and I had been tortured in Sears (where we did find my grandparents gifts), AND AFTER GETTING NEW CLOTHES (I thought this didn't start until the 26. Mommmmmy D': ), we went to the World Market to get those Crackers.
And I could of lived in there forever.
The store was amazing. There was stuff that I hadn't seen in years. And that food section just made me want to squeal with delight. I couldn't believe that they had one of my favorite crackers, Digestives, was on sale! It was just like Christmas in a store! They also had really, really cute stocking stuffers, present packaging, and cards, so I decided to go ahead and buy bags and cards while they were half off to give to my friends.
And they had PG tips! PG TIPS! I never drank tea, but my mom was pretty happy. (You can buy them at local grocery stores, yes, but it's hard to find and pretty darn expensive.)
I'm sure that some of you that have been seperated from your childhood traditions might have felt the same way. I just never thought that I would see this stuff for a longggg time.
Just makes me want to visit England more.